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Headword: *)atufi/a
Adler number: alpha,4398
Translated headword: lack of delusion, modesty
Vetting Status: high
[Means] humility. And [the related adjective] a)/tufon in [Plato's] Phaedrus [means] unharmful;[1] since delusion [tu=fon] harms. And e)pitequmme/non ["inflamed"] likewise; for the [verb] qu/yai ["to inflame"] [means] to kindle. Also [sc. attested are] quma/lwpes, the charcoals left by burning, the half-burned ones.[2] Also [sc. attested is the phrase] a)tu/fou moi/ras ["of undeluded fate"], [meaning] of that unharmed by arrogance.[3]
They say the wise man is a)/tufos. For his attitude to good repute and ill-repute is the same. And there is someone else [they call] a)/tufos: he who is classified as commonplace, that is base.[4]
"But they, dressed for peace [and] conducting the ritual without bodyguards, came most modestly." Aelian says [this].[5]
Greek Original:
*)atufi/a: tapeinofrosu/nh. kai\ *)/atufon e)n *fai/drw| to\ a)blabe/s: e)pei\ to\ tu=fon bla/ptei. kai\ e)pitequmme/non o(moi/ws: to\ ga\r qu/yai, e)pikau=sai. kai\ quma/lwpes, oi( a)poleleimme/noi th=s qu/yews a)/nqrakes, oi( h(mi/kautoi. kai\ *)atu/fou moi/ras, th=s a)blabou=s u(po\ tu/fou. a)/tufo/n fasin ei)=nai to\n sofo/n. i)/sws ga\r e)/xein pro/s te to\ e)/ndocon kai\ a)/docon. ei)=nai de\ kai\ a)/llon a)/tufon, kata\ to\n ei)kai=on tetagme/non, o(/ e)sti fau=lon. oi( de\ ei)rhnai/ws e)stalme/noi a)/neu dorufo/rwn a)/gontes th\n i(erourgi/an h(=kon a)tufo/tata e)kei=noi. *ai)liano/s fhsi.
[1] Plato, Phaedrus 230A (web address 1 below). See further, n.3.
[2] Phrynichus, Praeparatio Sophistica fr. 277; cf. theta 547, theta 624.
[3] Likewise in Timaeus' Platonic Lexicon, commenting on this phrase in Plato's Phaedrus (see above).
[4] Stoic doctrine from Diogenes Laertius 7.117.
[5] Aelian fr. 140a Domingo-Forasté (137 Hercher); cf. epsiloniota 192.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; military affairs; philosophy; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 28 March 2002@21:54:14.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 27 August 2002@08:13:19.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 31 July 2005@06:39:59.
William Hutton (replaced missing footnote no. and augmented n. 2) on 16 February 2008@10:56:38.
David Whitehead (another note; betacode and other cosmetics) on 29 April 2012@06:12:07.
Catharine Roth (updated reference in note 5, upgraded link) on 24 May 2013@00:33:39.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 24 December 2014@01:20:54.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 18 December 2015@01:21:16.


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