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Headword: *)asfo/delos
Adler number: alpha,4299
Translated headword: asphodel
Vetting Status: high
A bulbous plant, having long leaves and an edible stem; and its seed when roasted and the root chopped up with figs is very beneficial.[1] [It is] sacred to Persephone and the underworld [deities]. Also Rhodians wreath Kore and Artemis with asphodel. To be read proparoxytone. "Nor [do they know] the great advantage in mallow and asphodel."[2] But the place in which it grows must be pronounced oxytone, as in Homer: "over the asphodel meadow".[3]
Greek Original:
*)asfo/delos: skillw=des futo\n, fu/lla e)/xon makra\ kai\ a)nqe/rikon e)sqio/menon: kai\ to\ spe/rma de\ au)tou= frugo/menon kai\ h( r(i/za koptome/nh meta\ su/kwn plei/sthn o)/nhsin e)/xei. *persefo/nhs kai\ xqoni/wn i(ero/n. kai\ *(ro/dioi th\n *ko/rhn kai\ th\n *)/artemin a)sfode/lw| ste/fousi. proparocuto/nws de\ a)nagnwste/on. ou)d' o(/son e)n mala/xh| te kai\ a)sfode/lw| me/g' o)/neiar. to\n de\ to/pon, e)n w(=| fu/etai, o)cutonhte/on: w(s kai\ par' *(omh/rw|: kat' a)sfodelo\n leimw=na.
cf. already alpha 4298.
Same material in Pausanias the Atticist and other lexica.
[1] Theophrastus, Enquiry into Plants 7.13.4.
[2] Hesiod, Works and Days 41 (web address 1).
[2] Homer, Odyssey 11.538 (web address 2).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; epic; food; geography; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 14 March 2002@22:05:20.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note; cosmetics) on 5 August 2002@09:31:16.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 30 November 2005@10:07:48.
David Whitehead (another note; cosmetics) on 26 April 2012@07:23:03.
Catharine Roth (tweaked link) on 6 December 2015@01:24:14.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 6 December 2015@22:00:12.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added a note) on 6 December 2015@22:07:39.


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