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Search results for alpha,4126 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)assa/ria
Adler number: alpha,4126
Translated headword: assaria
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] obols.[1] Numa, who became the first king of the Romans after Romulus, first paid the Romans [with coins] made from iron and bronze -- everyone before him filling that need through leather and potsherds; these he named from his own name "nummia", as Tranquillus[2] says.
Greek Original:
*)assa/ria: oi( o)boloi/. *nou/mmas, o( prw=tos basileu\s meta\ *(rwmu/lon *(rwmai/wn gegonw\s, a)po\ sidh/rou kai\ xalkou= pepoihme/na prw=tos e)xari/sato *(rwmai/ois, tw=n pro\ au)tou= pa/ntwn dia\ skuti/nwn kai\ o)straki/nwn th\n xrei/an plhrou/ntwn: a(/per w)no/masen e)k tou= i)di/ou o)no/matos noummi/a, w(/s fhsi *tragku/lios.
Similar material in John of Antioch (fr.4.62 Roberto). For Numa see generally nu 515. Early Rome had no coinage, however, and the etymology suggested here is worthless.
[1] The smallest Roman coin, the as, glossed by the smallest Greek one.
[2] i.e. Suetonius. See generally tau 895.
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; historiography; history; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 December 2001@13:57:25.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 13 December 2001@06:03:57.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 20 November 2005@08:56:09.
David Whitehead (x-ref) on 9 January 2012@03:27:10.
David Whitehead on 24 April 2012@03:55:36.
David Whitehead on 1 September 2015@04:46:02.


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