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Headword: *)arba/khs
Adler number: alpha,3753
Translated headword: Arbaces, Arbakes
Vetting Status: high
King of the Medes in the time of Sardanapalus,[1] a man who was both sensible in life and indeed someone skilled in negotiations; he spent his time in hunts and wars and accomplished many noble things at first, but then had bigger ideas. This man had heard of the life and customs which a king should have in mind and took it to heart, and he realized that for lack of a[nother] noble man he might have the rule of Asia; and he put together a plan concerning the whole kingdom.[2]
Greek Original:
*)arba/khs, basileu\s *mh/dwn e)pi\ *sardanapa/lou, a)nh\r to/n te bi/on sw/frwn kai\ pragma/twn ei) dh/ tis e)/mpeiros, tetrimme/nos te e)n kunhgesi/ois kai\ pole/mois kai\ polla\ me\n pa/lai gennai=a e)ceirgasme/nos, mei/zw de\ to/te dianoou/menos. ou(=tos a)khkow\s to/n te bi/on kai\ ta\ h)/qh oi(=s xrh=tai basileu\s e)s nou=n e)neba/leto, kai\ e)nequmh/qh a)/ra, o(/ti a)pori/a| gennai/ou a)ndro\s ou(=tos e(/coi ta\ th=s *)asi/as kra/th: kai\ boulh\n sunti/qetai peri\ o(/lhs a)rxh=s.
Nicolaus of Damascus FGrH 90 F2. For Arbakes see also under kappa 2046.
[1] For whom see sigma 121, sigma 122. This Assyrian king of the C7 BCE is better known to us as Ashurbanipal.
[2] Diodorus Siculus 2.24-28 has a narrative account of how this Arbakes captured Nineveh and took over the Assyrian Empire which has been described as "contrary to all known evidence" (J.M. Cook, The Persian Empire [London 1983] 232 n.9).
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 10 August 2001@20:17:49.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes and keywords) on 12 August 2001@05:38:13.
David Whitehead (added keywords) on 23 August 2002@08:21:04.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; cosmetics) on 27 October 2005@05:34:10.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 10 April 2012@06:19:37.


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