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Adler number: alpha,3213
Translated headword: Marcus Apicius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [He] whose name has a great reputation for prodigality and extravagance and indolence of life and general depravity. Junius
Blaesus and Lucius were the two consuls.[1] When
Blaesus was invited to the feast, he brought with him Asconius Pedianus[2] like an uninvited follower,[3] for it was permitted to invite additionally certain extra guests like shadows of oneself. And [so] Apicius had to spend his substance both for friends and strangers. I have heard that to this banquet came also one Isidore by name, one of those who pass their whole time in the palaestra, already an old man and of great age, being 91 years old, firm and stout of limb, deep-chested, noble in the arms and the hands, sharp-sighted and keen of hearing, so that one would not believe he was more than 60 years old; in bouts of the wine-cup he competed in drinking with the young, and moreover he strove in eating-contests and drinking-contests and acted like a young man. They say that he was defeated in one respect: he left sooner than his fellow-banqueter. Other old men spoke on his skill in the palaestra and especially Junius
Blaesus. And when he said this, he says he was 60 years old. I have heard that Servilius the consul[4] was long-lived; for he lived 90 years and in every way, reportedly, his body was without suffering. And indeed he preserved all his senses in enviable and impressive possession.
Greek Original:*)api/kios *ma/rkos: ou(= diarrei= muri/on o)/noma e)pi/ te a)swti/a| kai\ polutelei/a| kai\ r(a|stwneu/sei bi/ou kai\ kakodaimosu/nh| loiph=|. u(pa/tw de\ h)/sthn *)iou/nios *blai=sos kai\ *leu/kios: o( toi/nun *blai=sos e)pi\ th\n qoi/- nhn klhqei\s oi(=on e)folki/da a)/klhton e)pa/getai *)askw/nion *paidiano/n. e)ch=n ga\r kai\ e)piklh/tous oi(onei\ skia\s e(autoi=s parakalei=n tinas. kai\ e)/dei to\n *)api/kion kai\ fi/lois kai\ a)gnw=si th\n ou)si/an r(i/ptein th\n e(autou=. pe/pusmai dh\ e)n tw=|de tw=| sundei/pnw| gene/sqai kai\ *)isi/dwron o)/noma, tw=n e)k palai/stras katatribe/ntwn, a)/ndra palaio\n me\n h)/dh kai\ polu\n me\n tw=| xro/nw|, e(\n de\ kai\ #4# e)/th gegono/ta, eu)pagh= te kai\ eu)melh=, kai\ baqu\n me\n ta\s pleura\s, gennai=on de\ tw\ braxi/one kai\ tw\ xei=re a)/krw, ble/pein te o)cu\ kai\ a)kou/ein r(a=|sta, w(s mh\ a)\n pisteu/ein pe/ra c# e)tw=n ei)=nai au)to\n, sku/fwn de\ pitu/lois a(milla=sqai diapi/nonta pro\s tou\s ne/ous, kai\ me/ntoi kai\ u(pe\r poludaisi/as kai\ u(pe\r poluposi/as e)ri/sai kai\ nea/zein tau=ta. e(ni\ de\ h(tthqh=nai/ fasin au)to/n: a)pelqei=n ga\r tou= sundei/pnou qa=tton. ge/rontes de\ a)/lloi te e)/legon e)pi\ te/xnh| palaistrikh=| kai\ me/ntoi kai\ *)iou/nios *blai=sos. kai\ o(/te tau=ta e)/legen, e)/th ge/gonen c# fhsi/. makro\n de\ th\n zwh\n gene/sqai pe/pusmai *seroui/+lion u(/paton: e)/tesi ga\r toi=s #4# o(mou= te e)bi/wse kai\ pa/nta, w(s lo/gos, ta\ tou= sw/matos a)paqh\s h)=n. kai\ me/ntoi kai\ diesw/sato ta\s ai)sqh/seis a(pa/sas eu)moiri/a| a)ciozh/lw| te kai\ sobara=|.
Keywords: athletics; biography; chronology; economics; ethics; food; history; medicine
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 16 October 2000@01:06:23.
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