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Headword: *)ana/xarsis
Adler number: alpha,2130
Translated headword: Anacharsis
Vetting Status: high
The son of Gnouros[1] and of a Greek mother, a Scythian, a philosopher, brother of Kadui[d]as the king of Scythia.[2] He wrote Customs of the Scythians in verses, Concerning the simplicity of those things pertaining to human life, all in eight hundred verses.[3] He discovered the anchor and the potter's wheel.[4] He lived in the time of Croesus.[5] And he died performing Greek rites in Scythia, when his brother was plotting against him: according to some he [lived] into extreme old age and almost up to one hundred years old.
Greek Original:
*)ana/xarsis, *gnu/rou, mhtro\s de\ *(ellhni/dos, *sku/qhs, filo/sofos, a)delfo\s *kadoui/+a tou= *skuqw=n basile/ws. e)/graye *no/mima *skuqika\ di' e)pw=n, *peri\ eu)telei/as tw=n ei)s to\n a)nqrw/pinon bi/on e)/ph pa/nta w#. eu(=re de\ ou(=tos a)/gkuran kai\ to\n kerameiko\n troxo/n. h)=n de\ e)pi\ *kroi/sou. kai\ teteleu/thken *(ellhnika\s teleta\s e)pitelw=n e)n *sku/qais, e)pibouleu/santos au)tw=| tou= a)delfou=: kata\ de/ tinas e)n gh/ra| baqei= kai\ me/xris e)tw=n r#.
C6 BCE. See generally Michael Gagarin in OCD(4) s.v. (p.77). Anacharsis is first mentioned in Herodotus (4.46 & 76-77). Most of the present entry's material is taken from Diogenes Laertius 1.101-105. (Some has already appeared under alpha 258.)
[1] cf. gamma 360.
[2] cf. kappa 25.
[3] In Diog.Laert. 1.101 only one title seems to be mentioned, with the second phrase a descriptive gloss on it.
[4] cf. kappa 1354, end.
[5] kappa 2497, kappa 2498, kappa 2499, kappa 2500.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; chronology; geography; historiography; medicine; philosophy; poetry; religion; science and technology; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 November 2000@15:55:20.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added bibliography) on 6 November 2000@03:06:31.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 2 August 2002@05:00:25.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 29 February 2012@05:52:06.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 July 2014@06:14:10.
David Whitehead on 10 July 2015@02:55:34.


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