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Search results for alpha,1860 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1860
Translated headword: tied up
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "That man [is] delicate and pretty and weakened by softness of body and effeminate and has his hair tied up, just like the more wanton of the courtesans, and ever keeps his locks and his brow dripping with unguents."[1]
Greek Original:*)anadou/menos: o( de\ trufero\s e)kei=nos kai\ a(bro\s kai\ u(po\ malaki/as tou= sw/matos kateagw\s kai\ lelugisme/nos kai\ ta\s ko/mas a)nadou/menos, w(/sper ai( tw=n e(tairi/dwn a)selge/sterai, kai\ murostage\s e)/xwn a)ei\ to\ me/twpon kai\ tou\s bostru/xous.
For the headword participle -- presumably extracted from the quotation given -- see already
alpha 1859.
[1] Quotation (already at
alpha 87) unidentifiable. (Attributed by Hemsterhuys to
Keywords: biography; clothing; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 29 March 2001@14:55:54.
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