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Search results for alpha,165 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,165
Translated headword: messengers
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] those who carry letters in relays.[1] They are also [called] 'couriers' [
a)sta/ndai].[2] The words [are] Persian.
Aeschylus in
Agamemnon [writes]: "beacon sent beacon hither with relaying fire."[3] The word is also used for conveyors of freight and more generally of inanimate objects and slaves. Also [sc. attested is] the [verb]
a)ggaroforei=n in reference to carrying burdens. And [the verb]
a)ggareu/esqai means what we now speak of as being impressed to carry burdens and labor of that sort.
Menander offers this example in the
Sikyonios: "someone arriving by sea puts in? He is labelled an enemy. And if he has anything nice it's pressed into service [
Greek Original:*)/aggaroi: oi( e)k diadoxh=s grammatofo/roi. oi( de\ au)toi\ kai\ a)sta/ndai. ta\ de\ o)no/mata *persika/. *ai)sxu/los *)agame/mnoni: frukto\s de\ frukto\n deu=ro a)p' a)gga/rou puro\s e)/pempe. ti/qetai to\ o)/noma kai\ e)pi\ tw=n forthgw=n kai\ o(/lws tw=n a)naisqh/twn kai\ a)ndrapodwdw=n. kai\ to\ *)aggaroforei=n e)pi\ tou= forti/a fe/rein. kai\ *)aggareu/esqai kalou=sin w(/sper h(mei=s nu=n to\ ei)s forthgi/an kai\ toiau/thn tina\ u(phresi/an a)/gesqai. *me/nandros kai\ tou=to e)n tw=| *sikuwni/w| pari/sthsin: o( ple/wn kath/xqh; kri/neq' ou(=tos pole/mios. e)a\n e)/xh| ti\ malako\n, a)ggareu/etai.
Same entry in
Photius, similar ones elsewhere.
LSJ entry at web address 1. See also
alpha 162,
alpha 163,
alpha 164.
[1] cf.
Herodotus 3.126 (web address 2) and esp. 8.98 (web address 3).
[2] cf.
alpha 4420. The word appears also at
Deipnosophists 3.122A (3.94 Kaibel);
Eustathius Commentaries on Homer's Odyssey vol. 2 p. 189.6;
Hesychius alpha7814;
Alexander 18 (bis);
De Alex. fort. virt. 326E; 340C.
Agamemnon 282f. (web address 4), where the mss have
a)gge/lou, an obvious gloss.
Sikyonios fr.4 Sandbach [= fr 440 Kock].
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Gregory Hays on 23 June 1999@13:13:42.
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