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Headword: *fru/nwn kai\ *filokra/ths
Adler number: phi,769
Translated headword: Phrynon and Philokrates
Vetting Status: high
Both traitors. The latter was exiled because of his treachery and reviled for brothel-keeping, whereas Phrynon [was reviled] for proffering his son, whom he took away to Philip.[1] Phokion the son of Phokos[2] gave money to many men and helped in dowering [their] daughters and freed up his property for all. He was therefore called 'good' by a public vote in the assembly; and when serving as a juror he always cast the [vote for] acquittal. Demosthenes, however, says that this [was done] in the presence of Satyros, for the sake of the daughters of Apollophanes;[3] this is what some transfer to Phokion and claim that he took them to Athens and dowered them.
Greek Original:
*fru/nwn kai\ *filokra/ths: a)mfo/teroi prodo/tai. kai\ o( me\n dia\ th\n prodosi/an e)/fuge kai\ e)pi\ pornoboski/a| dieba/lleto, o( de\ *fru/nwn e)pi\ th=| tou= paido\s proagwgei/a|, o(\n a)ph/gage *fili/ppw|: *fwki/wn de\ o( *fw/kou polloi=s xrh/mata e)/dwke kai\ qugate/ras sunece/dwke kai\ pa=sin a)ni/ei ta\ au(tou=. xrhsto\s ou)=n e)klh/qh koinh=| yh/fw| e)n e)kklhsi/a|: dika/zwn de\ a)ei\ th\n sw/|zousan e)/feren. o(\ de\ e)pi\ *satu/rou fhsi\n o( *dhmosqe/nhs e(/neka tw=n *)apollofa/nous qugate/rwn, tou=to ei)s *fwki/wna/ tines a)nafe/rousi kai/ fasin o(/ti labw\n au)ta\s ei)s *)aqh/nas h)/gage kai\ e)ce/dwken.
cf. omicron 736.
[1] See Demosthenes 19.229-233.
[2] This sentence (and what follows) appears to be unconnected with the opening one. On the Athenian general and statesman Phokion (402/1-318) see generally OCD4 Phocion.
[3] Demosthenes 19.194-5. See also delta 645, omicron 736.
Keywords: biography; constitution; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; history; law; politics; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 November 2001@07:23:47.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 6 September 2002@07:53:22.
Robert Dyer (added x-refs) on 19 April 2003@11:40:16.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 9 August 2011@08:02:03.
David Whitehead on 7 August 2014@04:04:03.
David Whitehead (corrected tr, at CR's prompting) on 1 April 2023@04:07:48.
David Whitehead (further modification to tr; augmented a note) on 2 April 2023@06:06:50.


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