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Search results for rho,317 in Adler number:
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Headword: Rhutêres
Adler number: rho,317
Translated headword: straps
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] bridles, reins, traces.[1]
In the Epigrams: "gold tests all straps, all keys."[2]
Greek Original:
Rhutêres: chalinoi, hêniai, himantes. en Epigrammasi: chrusos holous rhutêras, holas klêïdas elenchei.
[1] The headword is nominative plural of r(uth/r (cf. rho 316, rho 320). Same or similar glossing in other lexica (references at Photius rho196 Theodoridis), and cf. also the scholia to Homer, Iliad 16.475, where the dative plural occurs.
[2] Greek Anthology 5.217.5 (Paul the Silentiary): a moral drawn there from the myth of the imprisoned Danae [delta 57], visited -- and impregnated -- by Zeus in the form of a shower of gold. See further excerpts from this epigram at alpha 1510, epsilon 919, kappa 454, and kappa 2075.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; epic; ethics; imagery; mythology; poetry
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 9 October 2010@23:03:07.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 10 October 2010@04:23:00.
David Whitehead (expanded n.2) on 25 August 2011@06:51:13.
David Whitehead on 30 October 2013@07:48:06.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 18 January 2022@21:35:56.
Ronald Allen (added cross-references n.2) on 20 July 2023@10:44:45.


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