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Headword: Parakekommenos
Adler number: pi,358
Translated headword: misstruck
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning one who is] raving, out of his wits, addled.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the neuter plural] parakekomme/na: "for my vines are misstruck."[2] Meaning having nothing of quality. By way of metaphor from illegitimate coins, which are called misstamped and misstruck. Even now they are accustomed to call misstrikers 'misgravers'.[3] Whence also a 'counterfeit orator'.[4] "Homunculi wretched, misstruck, dishonorable and counterfeit and out of place."[5]
Greek Original:
Parakekommenos: mainomenos, exestêkôs, paraphrôn. kai Parakekommena: kamoi gar estin ampelia parakekommena. anti tou mêden enteles echonta. apo metaphoras tôn adokimôn nomismatôn, haper paratupa legetai kai parakekommena. kai nun de eiôthasi legein paracharaktas tous parakoptontas. hothen kai parasêmos rhêtôr. andraria mochthêra, parakekommena, atima kai parasêma kai paraxena.
[1] The headword is perfect middle/passive participle, masculine nominative singular, of parako/ptw. See already at kappa 1981 (end), though the present instance is glossed (here and in other lexica; references at Photius pi241 Theodoridis) as personal.
[2] A version of Aristophanes, Acharnians 512, where the best ms has diakekomme/na. The comment which now follows comes from the scholia to line 517, which really does have parakekomme/na: see below, at n. 5.
[3] The scholia have the order reversed here: "they are accustomed to call misgravers 'misstrikers'", which makes better sense as commentary on the word in question. "Misstrikers" is a translation of the active participle of patako/ptw.
[4] A phrase said by the scholia to be used "amongst Athenians", but more specifically found in Demosthenes 18.242, whence Harpokration s.v., Synagoge, Photius pi295 Theodoridis, and pi 431.
[5] Aristophanes, Acharnians 517-518.
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; imagery; law; poetry; politics; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 21 July 2011@17:21:24.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented and modified notes; tweaks and cosmetics) on 22 July 2011@03:28:29.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 16 August 2013@04:06:51.


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