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Headword: Prôi
Adler number: pi,2939
Translated headword: early
Vetting Status: high
[The Athenians pronounce it] monosyllabically in this way.
[Meaning] still in deep dawn.[1]
Equal to 'at an [early] hour'. prw/| is a synairesis [contracted pronunciation] of prwi/+, hence has an oxytone accent; but prw=|n ['recently'?][2] has a circumflex. "Not recently did the tragedian gather for us." Callimachus [sc. writes this].[3]
Greek Original:
Prôi: houtô monosullabôs. eti orthrou batheos. ison tôi en hôrai. tou prôï sunairesis esti to prôi, dio oxunetai: to de prôin perispatai. ou prôin men hêmin ho tragôidos êgeire. Kallimachos.
Apart from the phrase referred to in n. 1 below, this entry resembles both commentary on Aristophanes, Birds 129 (where the headword appears) and Herodian, De prosodia catholica 3.1.494.8-9 (which includes the quotation from Callimachus given below). Reference to these earlier sources allows supplementation of this patchy version of the text.
For words related to this adverb see particularly pi 2940, pi 2941, pi 2944, and pi 2945, but also pi 2946 through pi 2949.
[1] This gloss = Timaeus, Platonic Lexicon 1001b, and Photius pi1446 Theodoridis. The phrase 'deep dawn' was a idiomatic reference to the pale light that occurs just before sunrise. The wording of this gloss is taken directly from Plato himself: Protagoras 310A.
[2] This word, attested only in the fragment of Callimachus preserved here and in Herodian (see general note above), could either be a variant of the headword or a variant of the related adverb prw/hn ('recently').
[3] Callimachus, Iambi fr. 219 Pfeiffer.
Keywords: chronology; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 8 October 2013@03:25:22.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 8 October 2013@05:38:45.
William Hutton (fixed footnote numbers) on 8 October 2013@08:42:16.
Catharine Roth (tweaked betacode) on 8 October 2013@10:03:38.
David Whitehead on 22 October 2013@05:01:20.


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