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Search results for pi,2089 in Adler number:
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Headword: Porpax
Adler number: pi,2089
Translated headword: handhold
Vetting Status: high
Sophocles [writes]: "but you yourself, son, take your namesake, Eurysaces; hold the seven-ox-hided ineffable shield, wielding it with the much-stitched handhold."[1]
And Aristophanes [writes]: "but as for my man, even if he comes back from his unit sometimes, after behandholding himself [...]"[2] [S]he is saying "my husband, buckling himself up, so to speak [...]". Instead of letting go of his shield, as soon as he gets there he goes off into battle.
Greek Original:
Porpax: Sophoklês: all' autos moi su, pai, labôn epônumon, Eurusakes, ische dia polurraphou strephôn porpakos heptaboion arrêton sakos. kai Aristophanês: all' emos ga, kan ek tês tagas elthêi poka, porpakêsamenos. ho emos, phêsin, anêr, hoion peronêsamenos. anti tou apobalôn tên aspida, hama tôi parôn einai apeisin eis ton polemon.
The headword noun is unglossed here; for a glossing see pi 2090.
[1] Sophocles, Ajax 574-6 (already quoted in epsilon 3729), with a)/rrhton ('ineffable') in place of the more likely original reading a)/rrhkton ('unbreakable'). Ajax is addressing his infant son whose name, Eurysaces, means 'broad-shield'.
[2] Aristophanes, Lysistrata 105-6 (here using porpakhsa/menos in place of Aristophanes' homophonous hapax porpakisa/menos, and supplying 'husband'), with scholion; cf. alpha 1118.
Keywords: children; comedy; gender and sexuality; military affairs; mythology; science and technology; trade and manufacture; tragedy; women; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 17 February 2013@15:30:25.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, status) on 17 February 2013@23:52:39.
William Hutton (Corrected my own error by transposing some material from the translation to the notes.) on 17 February 2013@23:59:26.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; more keywords; tweaking) on 18 February 2013@05:11:35.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 10 October 2013@08:25:50.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticules) on 14 October 2021@20:05:22.


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