The one called Painted, after the [sc. paintings, there, of the] artist Polygnotus.
Peisianakteios stoa: hêtis apo Polugnôtou zôgraphou Poikilê klêtheisa.
The headword phrase comes from
Diogenes Laertius 7.5, on the origins (with
Zeno of Citium:
zeta 79) of 'Stoic' philosophy: he would teach 'pacing up and down in the Painted Stoa, also [called] Peisianaktian but [named] after the painting of Polygnotus;' cf.
sigma 1150, and
Cimon 4.6.
For Polygnotus see generally
pi 1948. On the Stoa Poikile (second quarter of the C5 BCE), in the Athenian
Agora, cf.
pi 3079,
sigma 1126; see in brief OCD4 s.v.; more fully on its paintings Pollitt 141-5.
Peisianax is a rare name in
Athens; LGPN ii s.v. lists only six, three of whom are too late to be of relevance here. Of the remaining three, one is the Peisianax somewhat shakily attested as a son of Kimon (
kappa 1620,
kappa 1621), the initiator of at least some of the
Agora projects of the period (see Camp 66-77, 'Kimonian
Athens'); but if the P. of the Stoa was the man who funded or otherwise facilitated it, we need an older man -- perhaps a brother-in-law of Cimon. (For this hypothesis see e.g. Davies 377-8.)
J.M. Camp, The Athenian Agora (London 1986)
J.K. Davies, Athenain Properties Families 600-300 BC (Oxford 1971)
J.J. Pollitt, The Art of Ancient Greece: sources and documents (Cambridge 1990)
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