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Headword: Kataxainein eis phoinikida
Adler number: kappa,682
Translated headword: to card [someone] into purple
Vetting Status: high
Aristophanes [writes]: "'why do we townsmen spare the stones, not to card this man into purple?' 'How some black firebrand has boiled over on you!'"[1] Meaning not to make him bloody with stones, as [if] to make his body purple. He used [the verb] katacai/nein ["to card"] as [if] in reference to wool. Therefore also he said foiniki/da ["purple"] as [if] in reference to a cloak. The Lacedaemonians used to use a purple [cloak] when facing their enemies, on the one hand because [of] the manliness of the color, and on the other hand because the bloodiness of the color is accustomed to disregard the flowing of blood. So the phrase e)n foiniki/di ["in a purple cloak"], meaning in the rank of enemies, would likely signify garments, since having been made purple [means] having been made bloody. And a burning coal [is called] quma/lwy.[2]
Greek Original:
Kataxainein eis phoinikida: Aristophanês: ti pheidomestha tôn lithôn hoi dêmotai, mê ou kataxainein ton andra touton es phoinikida; hoios au melas tis humin thumalôps epezesen. anti tou mê ouchi lithois auton haimassein, hôs phoinikoun autou poiêsai to sôma. to de kataxainein hôs epi eriôn echrêsato. dio kai phoinikida eipen hôs epi himatiou. echrônto de hoi Lakedaimonioi phoinikidi pros tous polemous, touto men, hoti to tês chroas andrikon, touto de, hoti to tou chrômatos haimatôdes tês tou haimatos rheuseôs ethizei kataphronein. to oun en phoinikidi, anti tou en taxei polemiôn, apophorêmata dêlôseien an eikotôs, epei to phoinichthênai, haimachthênai. thumalôps de ho diakekaumenos anthrax.
From a scholion on Aristophanes, Acharnians 320. For the verb, see also kappa 681, kappa 683, kappa 684.
[1] A close approximation of Aristophanes, Acharnians 320-321 (web address 1); quoted again at phi 788.
[2] cf. theta 546.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: clothing; comedy; definition; ethics; geography; imagery; medicine; military affairs; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 July 2008@01:11:38.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 3 July 2008@03:16:12.
David Whitehead on 3 February 2013@06:43:50.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 13 April 2013@18:52:55.


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