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Headword: Katagêrasai Tithônou bathuteron kai tou Kinurou plousiôteron kai Sardanapalou trupherôteron, hopôs to tês paroimias epi soi plêrôthêi: dis paides hoi gerontes
Adler number: kappa,497
Translated headword: to grow old deeper than Tithonus and richer than Kinyras and daintier than Sardanapalus so that in your case the proverb would be fulfilled: the old are children again
Vetting Status: high
Something said in reference to the long-lived. When Tithonus became very old he was turned by prayer into a cicada; Kinyras, a descendant of Pharnake and king of Cyprus,[1] was exceptionally rich; and Sardanapalus, king of Assyria, died after a life of excess and luxury.
Greek Original:
Katagêrasai Tithônou bathuteron kai tou Kinurou plousiôteron kai Sardanapalou trupherôteron, hopôs to tês paroimias epi soi plêrôthêi: dis paides hoi gerontes: epi tôn poluchroniôn legomenon. ho de Tithônos hupergêrôs genomenos kat' euchên eis tettiga metebale: Kinuras de, apogonos Pharnakês, basileus Kupriôn, ploutôi diapherôn: Sardanapalos de, Assuriôn basileus, ep' akolasiai kai truphêi diabious eteleutêsen.
The long headword phrase comes from a Letter of the emperor Julian (no.82 Bidez-Cumont); cf. Appendix Proverbiorum 4.68.
For 'the old are children again' see under delta 1267; for Kinyras, kappa 1651; for Sardanapalus, sigma 121, sigma 122; for Tithonus, tau 578.
[1] Better at sigma 122: 'a descendant of Pharnakes, [sc. who was] a king of Cyprus'.
Keywords: children; daily life; economics; ethics; history; mythology; proverbs; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 23 April 2003@04:03:44.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (typo) on 26 August 2003@23:27:00.
David Whitehead (added note and keyword) on 27 August 2003@04:01:09.
David Whitehead on 30 January 2013@07:04:46.
David Whitehead on 29 April 2016@06:04:53.


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