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Headword: Kreôphulos
Adler number: kappa,2376
Translated headword: Creophylus, Kreophylos
Vetting Status: high
Son of Astycles; of Chios or Samos;[1] epic poet. Some record that he was Homer's son-in-law, his daughter's husband; others say he was only a friend of Homer, and that in return for his hospitality to Homer he received from him the poem The Capture of Oechalia.[2]
Greek Original:
Kreôphulos, Astukleous, Chios ê Samios, epopoios. tines de auton historêsan Homêrou gambron epi thugatri. hoi de philon monon gegonenai auton Homêrou legousi kai hupodexamenon Homêron labein par' autou to poiêma tên tês Oichalias halôsin.
See generally RE Kreophylos(1).
[1] The latter has the stronger backing.
[2] Sc. by Heracles. For an ancient summary of this dispute see Strabo 14.1.18.
Keywords: biography; epic; ethics; geography; mythology; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 8 May 2002@21:40:05.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 9 May 2002@04:15:18.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 17 March 2013@08:36:56.


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