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Search results for epsilon,546 in Adler number:
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Headword: Ekôdônizonto
Adler number: epsilon,546
Translated headword: they used to be sounded out
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] they became notorious.[1] [The word] has also been applied to [sc. circumstances where one might otherwise have said] 'they were put to the test'. So Lysias [sc. illustrates].[2]
Greek Original:
Ekôdônizonto: periboêtoi egenonto. tetaktai kai epi tou epeirathêsan. houtôs Lusias.
Likewise in Photius and elsewhere. The headword (third person plural, imperfect passive, of kwdwni/zw) must be quoted from somewhere but is not independently attested.
See also alpha 947, delta 907, kappa 1257, kappa 2218, kappa 2220, kappa 2221.
[1] Likewise in other lexica.
[2] Lysias fr. 313 Sauppe, now 485 Carey OCT: in fact on diakwdwnisqe/ntes (see under delta 598).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 November 2006@06:06:05.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 16 November 2006@17:45:03.
David Whitehead (more x-refs) on 17 November 2006@03:09:33.
David Whitehead on 7 August 2012@06:40:04.
David Whitehead (expanded note) on 28 August 2013@05:42:27.
David Whitehead on 9 December 2015@06:44:08.


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