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Headword: Chthes
Adler number: chi,323
Translated headword: yesterday
Vetting Status: high
Plato [uses this word] taking off the epsilon at the beginning.[1] The [word] xqe/s [is derived] from to run out [e)kqei=n], which is to pass by.[2]
Note that Plato has "I went down" first and "yesterday" second.[3]
The Theologian had "yesterday" to catch the eye, and then "on the bright day of lights" parenthetically.[4] Therefore each had a preference, and it was that that he put forward.[5]
Greek Original:
Chthes: to kat' archên e aphelôn legei ho Platôn. to de chthes para to ekthein, ho esti parelthein. isteon de hoti ho men Platôn prourgou eiche to katebên, to de chthes parergon. ho de Theologos to chthes eiche skopon, to de, têi lamprai tôn phôtôn hêmerai, parelkon. ho oun hekastos eiche proêgoumenon, ekeino proutrepse.
[1] That is, another form is e)xqe/s; see LSJ s.v. xqe/s (web address 1 below). Cf. Hesychius, and Etymologicum Magnum 405.22.
[2] A false etymology; compare Sanskrit hyás, Latin heri.
[3] This refers to the order of the first two words of Plato's Republic 1.327A (web address 2 below), a word-order which he famously agonised over.
[4] Gregory of Nazianzus (PG 36.377bc), with scholion; cf. alpha 2921.
[5] The point here may be that the position of xqe/s within a clause depends on its importance to the author: Plato uses it post-positively because his emphasis is on "I went down" [kate/bhn] whereas Gregory places it first and the appositive phrase "on the bright day of lights" (i.e. on the feast of the Epiphany) follows it.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; philosophy; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 March 2008@02:51:05.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-ref; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 March 2008@08:42:39.
David Whitehead on 11 November 2013@09:04:11.
Catharine Roth (typo, tweaked link) on 27 May 2023@23:37:16.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 28 May 2023@01:01:16.


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