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Headword: Bebêlos topos
Adler number: beta,218
Translated headword: profane place
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] one accessible to everyone and unpurified. Also [sc. attested is] "profane man," he who is uninitiated and defiled. Euripides [writes]: "[it is] not right for the profane to touch the temple".[1] Also: "I sing to those who are in the know, but you who are profane must put [your ears] to the doors."[2]
Also [sc. attested is] "they are profaned", [meaning] they are defiled.[3]
Greek Original:
Bebêlos topos: ho batos pasi kai akathartos. kai bebêlos anêr, ho amuêtos kai miaros. Euripidês: ou themis bebêlois haptesthai domôn. kai, aeidô xunetoisi, thuras d' epithesthe bebêloi. kai Bebêlountai, miainontai.
Similar material in other lexica, and cf. also the scholia to Sopocles, Oedipus at Colonus 10, where the dative plural of the headword adjective occurs.
[1] Euripides fr. 648.
[2] Orphica fr. 334 Kern.
[3] Likewise in Hesychius. Quoted from Psalm 9.26 LXX.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; poetry; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 8 August 2002@17:13:04.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 9 August 2002@03:57:31.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 24 May 2012@09:16:21.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 25 May 2012@12:36:20.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 20 September 2015@04:04:36.


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