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Adler number: alpha,4177
Translated headword: a wineskin in a frost
Vetting Status: high
Translation: David says: "I have become as a wineskin in a frost."[1] A wineskin when heated becomes porous and when inflated it swells, but in the frost it is hardened and frozen. Thus also the nature of the body becomes complacent with luxury and is swollen, but with ascetic training it is humbled and oppressed. And Paul is a witness to this, saying: "But I oppress my body and treat it as a slave, lest somehow I, having exhorted others should myself become disreputable."[2] For also the prophet [
David], when he was pursued by Saul, was stronger than his sufferings, but after enjoying peace he was injured by the impulses [resulting] from luxury; he humbled his body and renewed his memory of the divine laws.
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "Ktesiphon's wineskin;"
Aristophanes [writes]: "according to our customs, at the trumpet signal drink your pitchers; whoever drains his first will win Ktesiphon's wineskin."[3] For in the Pitchers[4] there was a contest concerning who could drain his pitcher first, and the winner was crowned with a wreath of leaves and got a skin of wine. At a trumpet signal they would drink. Ktesiphon was ridiculed for being fat and paunchy. An inflated wineskin was set forth in the festival of the Pitchers, on which those drinking in the competition would stand. The first one to finish his drink won, and got a wineskin. They drank a certain measure, a choa, of wine.[5]
Also [sc. attested is the verb] "to bear a wineskin" [
a)skoforei=n]. In the Dionysiac processions, some things were done by the townspeople, but others had been assigned to the metics to do by the lawgivers. Accordingly the metics would put on chitons which had a crimson color and carry troughs;[6] wherefore they were called tray-bearers [
skafhfo/roi]. The townspeople wore whatever clothing they wanted and carried wineskins on their shoulders, wherefore they were called "wineskin-bearers" [
And [there is] a proverb: "to be spooked by a little wineskin" [
a)skw=| mormolu/ttesqai], in reference to those who are frightened absurdly and for no good reason.[7]
Also [sc. attested is the verb]
a)skolia/zon ["they used to dance as at the Askolia"]; the Athenians had a festival, the Askolia[8], in which they would hop on wineskins to the honor of Dionysus.[9] The creature[10] appears to be a natural enemy of the vine. In any event an epigram appears addressed to a goat that goes like this: "devour me to the root, yet all the same I will bear fruit; enough to pour a libation for you, goat, as you are being sacrificed."[11] But "dance on a wineskin" means [dance] on the other [leg]; strictly
a)skwlia/zein is what they used to call hopping on wineskins to make people laugh. In the middle of the theatre they placed wineskins which were inflated and oiled and when they hopped onto these they slipped; just as
Eubulus says in
Damalia[12]: "and in addition to these things, they put wineskins in the middle and hopped and guffawed at those who fell off the track."
Also [sc. attested is the participle]
a)skwlia/zontes, [meaning] they who hop on one foot and who lag behind those [who move] according to nature.
"He, it seemed to me, came to his master in his rush from the [temple] of Asclepius hopping on one of his feet and when at daybreak the paean to Asclepius was sung, he showed up as one of the chorus dancers. He stood in the line as if he'd been given his stance by some chorus director, and as much as he was able he tried to sing along with the bird-like strain."[13]
Also [attested is]
a)skwliasmo/s [used] likewise, [meaning] going on one foot.
Wineskins smeared with salt become better.[14]
Greek Original:Askos en pachnêi: ho Dabid legei, hoti egenêthên hôs askos en pachnêi. ho askos thermainomenos chaunoutai kai phusômenos exonkoutai, en de têi pachnêi sklêrunetai kai pêgnutai. houtô kai tou sômatos hê phusis chaunoutai men têi truphêi kai exonkoutai, têi de askêtikêi agôgêi tapeinoutai kai piezetai. kai toutou martus ho Paulos boôn: all' hupopiezô mou to sôma kai doulagôgô, mê pôs allois kêruxas autos adokimos genômai. toigartoi kai ho prophêtês, epeidê diôkomenos hupo tou Saoul kreittôn ên tôn pathôn, eirênês de apolausas tois apo tês truphês eblabê skirtêmasi, tapeinôsas to sôma tôn theiôn nomôn tên mnêmên aneneôsato. kai Askos Ktêsiphôntos: Aristophanês: kata ta patria tous choas pinein hupo tês salpingos: hos d' an ekpiêi prôtistos, askon Ktêsiphôntos lêpsetai. en gar tais Choais agôn ên peri tou ekpiein prôton tina choa, kai ho nikôn estepheto phullinôi stephanôi kai askon oinou elambane. pros salpingas de epinon. ho de Ktêsiphôn hôs pachus kai progastôr eskôpteto. etitheto de askos pephusêmenos en têi tôn Choôn heortêi, eph' hou tous pinontas pros agônas hestanai, ton propionta de hôs nikêsanta lambanein askon. epinon de metron ti hoion choa. kai Askophorein. en tais Dionusiakais pompais, ta men hupo tôn astôn epratteto, ta de tois metoikois poiein hupo tôn nomothetêsantôn prosetetakto. hoi men oun metoikoi chitônas eneduonto chrôma echontas phoinikoun kai skaphos epheron: hothen skaphêphoroi prosêgoreuonto. hoi de astoi esthêta eichon, hên eboulonto, kai askous ep' ômôn epheron: hothen askophoroi ekalounto. kai paroimia: Askôi mormoluttesthai, epi tôn eikê kai diakenês dedittomenôn. kai Askôliazon: heortên hoi Athênaioi êgon ta Skôlia, en hêi hêllonto tois askois eis timên tou Dionusou. dokei de echthron einai têi ampelôi to zôion. amelei goun kai epigramma phainetai pros tên aiga houtôs echon: kên me phagêis epi rhizan, homôs d' eti karpophorêsô, hosson epileipsai soi, trage, thuomenôi. Askôliaze de anti tou hallou: kuriôs askôliazein elegon to epi tôn askôn hallesthai heneka tou gelôtopoiein. en mesôi de tou theatrou etithento askous pephusêmenous kai alêlimmenous, eis hous enallomenoi ôlisthainon: kathaper Euboulos en Damaliai phêsin houtôs: kai pros ge toutois askon es meson katathentes enallesthe kai kanchazete epi tois katarreousin apo keleusmatos. kai Askôliazontes, eph' henos podos ephallomenoi, husteroumenoi tôn kata phusin. ho de emoi dokein, hormêi têi para tou Asklêpiou es ton despotên askôliazôn thateron tôn podôn erchetai, kai orthrion aidomenou tou paianos tôi Asklêpiôi heauton apophainei tôn choreutôn, hena kai en taxei stas hôsper oun para tinos labôn chorodektou tên stasin, hôs hoios te ên sunaidein epeirato tôi ornitheiôi melei. kai Askôliasmos homoiôs, to eph' henos podos bainein. hoti hoi askoi halsi smêchomenoi beltiones ginontai.
Psalm 118.83
LXX. This first paragraph of the entry comes from Theodoret's commentary on it (PG 80, 1848bc).
1 Corinthians 9.27.
Acharnians 1000-2 (web address 1). What follows here derives from scholiastic comment on the line.
[4] The Khoes, the second day of the Anthesteria festival; see also
chi 369.
[5] About three quarts, or 2.8 liters.
*ska/fos here is in error for
ska/fas, trays.
[7] cf.
mu 1251.
Scholia in three manuscripts provide the correction
*)askw/lia for the erroneous
[9] From the
scholia to
Wealth [
Plutus] 1129.
[10] Explained in the next sentence.
Greek Anthology 9.75 (Euenus of Ascalon).
Eubulus fr. 8 Kock, now 7 K.-A. -- from his
Amaltheia, in fact.
Aelian fr. 101b Domingo-Forasté, 98 Hercher (a man from
Tanagra experiences a miracle cure); cf.
sigma 1606,
chi 407.
[14] From
alpha 1409.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; botany; Christianity; clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; food; imagery; law; medicine; meter and music; poetry; proverbs; religion; science and technology; stagecraft; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 March 2002@23:49:06.
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