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Adler number: alpha,403
Translated headword: tight-wittedness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] intelligence.[1]
Or "disposition of character for finding out immediately what the appropriate action is."[2] Or "a certain ability to guess properly in a brief period of time."[3]
Also [sc. attested is the related adjective] tight-witted.[4]
Damascius [writes]: " acute and tight-witted natural power capable of being applied in many directions in a short time, very quick to understand and recognize the traces of what it is seeking." The passage [is] about Isidoros.[5]
Greek Original:Anchinoia: sunesis. ê hexis heuretikê tou kathêkontos ek tou parachrêma. ê eustochia tis en askeptôi chronôi. kai Anchinoun: Damaskios: oxeian de kai anchinoun phuseôs dunamin epi polla di' oligou pheresthai dunamenên hetoimotatên sunienai kai gnôrizein ta ichnê tôn thêramatôn. peri Isidôrou ho logos.
See also
alpha 402.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica.
Diogenes Laertius 7.93. See also
Eclogae 2.61, 2-4 (ed. Wachsmuth), where "tight-wittedness" (
a)gxi/noia) is called "knowledge" (
e)pisth/mh) instead of "disposition of character" (
e(/cis). However, according to the Stoic doctrine described in this line, insofar as
a)gxi/noia is a virtue subordinated to prudence (
fro/nhsis), it is both a form of knowledge and a disposition of character.
[3] Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 93.7.
[4] (
alpha 402.) Here in the accusative case, extracted from the quotation which now follows.
Damascius fr.71 Zintzen (31 Asmus), in
Bibliotheke; cf.
epsilon 3071,
phi 404.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 30 October 2000@21:01:09.
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