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Adler number: theta,199
Translated headword: Theophrastus, Theophrastos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Melantas, a fuller,[1] though some [say] of Leon; from
Eresos;[2] a pupil of
Aristotle and successor [as head] of the school in the Peripatos left behind by him when he migrated to Chalcis. This man was earlier called Tyrtamus; but on account of the divine character of his speech [
to\ qei/ws fra/zein] he was called Euphrastus by
Aristotle, and then
Theophrastus;[3] just as
Plato was named on account of the breadth [
platos] of his discussions, being called
Aristocles earlier.[4] [
Theophrastus] had more than 2,000 students, and had as his beloved the son of
Aristotle the philosopher,
Nicomachus.[5] He was honored at the court of Cassander, the son of Antipater, and he died after becoming worn out from continual writing and then letting up for a few days on account of a student's marriage. His books are very numerous, among which are these also:
Prior Analytics, three books;
Posterior Analytics, 7 ;
Analysis of Syllogisms;
Epitome of [the] Analytics;
Of Reduced Topics;
On Stones;
On Plants;
On Metals;
On Odors; and others.
Greek Original:*qeo/frastos, *mela/nta gnafe/ws, oi( de\ *le/ontos: a)po\ *)eressou=, a)kousth\s *)aristote/lous kai\ dia/doxos th=s sxolh=s th=s e)n tw=| peripa/tw| u(p' au)tou= kataleifqei/shs ei)s *xalki/da e)kdhmh/santos. ou(=tos pro/teron e)kalei=to *tu/rtamos: dia\ de\ to\ qei/ws fra/zein u(p' *)aristote/lous e)klh/qh *eu)/frastos, ei)=ta *qeo/frastos: w(/sper *pla/twn dia\ to\ e)n toi=s lo/gois pla/tos tou=to e)pwnoma/sqh, pro/teron kalou/menos *)aristoklh=s. maqhta\s de\ e)/sxe plei=on h)\ #22b#, e)rw/menon de\ to\n *)aristote/lous ui(o\n tou= filoso/fou *niko/maxon. e)timh/qh de\ para\ *kassa/ndrw| tw=| *)antipa/trou, kai\ teleuta=| kata/ponos u(po\ tou= a)ei\ gra/fein geno/menos, ei)=ta e)ndou\s e)pi\ braxei/as h(me/ras dia\ maqhtou= ga/mous. bibli/a de\ au)tou= pa/mpleista, w(=n kai\ tau=ta: *)analutikw=n prote/rwn tri/a, *)analutikw=n u(ste/rwn z#, *)analu/sews sullogismw=n, *)analutikw=n e)pitomh/n, *)anhgme/nwn to/pwn, *peri\ li/qwn, *peri\ futw=n, *peri\ meta/llwn, *peri\ o)dmw=n: kai\ a)/lla.
Theophrastus 2 FHS&G; OCD(4) s.v. See also
theta 200. The material of the present entry comes largely from
Diogenes Laertius 5.36-38, 42, 44-46.
[1] cf.
Diogenes Laertius 5.36.
[2] In Asia Minor; here spelled Eressos.
[3] cf.
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v.
[4] This was indeed the ancient tradition about
Plato, but it is untrue. See e.g. J.K. Davies,
Athenian Propertied Families 600-300 BC (Oxford 1971) 333.
[5] cf.
nu 398.
Keywords: biography; botany; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; geography; philosophy; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Mirhady on 4 January 2000@15:03:36.
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