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Headword: *turanni/wn
Adler number: tau,1185
Translated headword: Tyrannio, Tyrannion
Vetting Status: high
The younger; of Phoenicia; his father was Artemidorus. A pupil of the older Tyrannio;[1] this is why he was named Tyrannio (previously he had been called Diocles). He too was taken prisoner, during the war between Antony and Caesar,[2] and was bought by one Dymas, who was a freedman of Caesar. Then he was given to Terentia, Cicero's wife. He was freed by her, and was a sophist in Rome. He wrote about 65 books, including the following: On Homeric Prosody; On the Parts of Speech, in which he says that proper names are indivisible, and that appelatives can form the bases for derivatives, while participles cannot; On the Roman Dialect, that the Roman dialect is derived from Greek and not indigenous;[3] The Disagreement of Modern Poets with Homer; Exegesis of Tyrannio's Division of the Parts of Speech; Textual Criticism of Homer; Orthography.
Greek Original:
*turanni/wn, o( new/teros, *foi/nic, patro\s *)artemidw/rou, maqhth\s *turanni/wnos tou= presbute/rou: dio\ kai\ w)noma/sqh *turanni/wn, pro/teron kalou/menos *dioklh=s. ai)xma/lwtos de\ geno/menos kai\ au)to\s e)pi\ tou= pole/mou *)antwni/ou kai\ *kai/saros u(po/ tinos *du/mantos w)nh/qh, tou= *kai/saros o)/ntos a)peleuqe/rou, ei)=ta e)dwrh/qh *terenti/a| th=| tou= *kike/rwnos gunaiki/. e)leuqerwqei\s de\ u(p' au)th=s e)sofi/steusen e)n *(rw/mh|. kai\ e)/graye bibli/a pro\s h# kai\ c#, w(=n kai\ tau=ta: *peri\ th=s *(omhrikh=s prosw|di/as, *peri\ tw=n merw=n tou= lo/gou, e)n w(=| le/gei, a)/toma me\n ei)=nai ta\ ku/ria o)no/mata, qematika\ de\ ta\ proshgorika/, a)qe/mata de\ ta\ metoxika/: *peri\ th=s *(rwmai+kh=s diale/ktou o(/ti e)sti\n e)k th=s *(ellhnikh=s, e)k tou= *)antige/nous o(/ti a)ntige/nhs h( *(rwmai+kh\ dia/lektos, *(/o ti diafwnou=sin oi( new/teroi poihtai\ pro\s *(/omhron, *)ech/ghsin tou= *turanni/wnos merismou=, *dio/rqwsin *(omhrikh/n, *)orqografi/an.
C1 BC. See generally RE Tyrannion(3); OCD4 Tyrannio(2).
[1] [tau 1184] Tyrannio.
[2] 'Caesar' will be Octavian -- but the chronology does not seem to fit. Adler notes that Bernhardy doubted the transmitted name 'Antony', and she mentions A. Daub's suggestion that we should read 'Pompey'.
[3] The text is corrupt; I have translated the reconstruction in fr. 63 Haas.
W. Haas, Die Fragmente der Grammatiker Tyrannion und Diokles (SGLG 3, Berlin 1977)
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; military affairs; poetry; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 26 March 1999@11:43:02.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 11 September 2002@04:30:10.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; cosmetics) on 2 April 2008@07:42:06.
David Whitehead (withdrew this note) on 2 April 2008@07:49:17.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 16 January 2014@06:56:09.
David Whitehead (another note) on 24 March 2014@11:24:25.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@11:27:08.


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