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Search results for sigma,1185 in Adler number:
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Headword: *stra/twn
Adler number: sigma,1185
Translated headword: Straton, Strato
Vetting Status: high
Of Lampsakos,[1] philosopher, acquaintance and successor of Theophrastos,[2] and son of Arkesilaos or Arkesios; [the one] who was surnamed Physikos[3] because he more than any other man was engaged with physical theory.[4] And he instructed Ptolemy surnamed Philadelphos.[5] And he wrote many books.
Greek Original:
*stra/twn, *lamyakhno/s, filo/sofos, *qeofra/stou gnw/rimos kai\ dia/doxos, ui(o\s de\ *)arkesila/ou h)\ *)arkesi/ou: o(\s e)peklh/qh *fusiko\s dia\ to\ par' o(ntinaou=n e)pimelhqh=nai th=s fusikh=s qewri/as. kaqhgh/sato de\ kai\ *ptolemai/ou tou= e)piklhqe/ntos *filade/lfou. kai\ e)/graye bibli/a polla/.
Died 269 BCE. See generally OCD4, under Straton(1). For the present entry cf. Diogenes Laertius 5.58.
[1] lambda 105.
[2] theta 199.
[3] Or the Physic, or Physicist. He succeeded Theophrastos as head of the Lykeion (Lyceum) in Athens.
[4] Or the theory of nature (fu/sis).
[5] The second of the Ptolemaic dynasty (Alexander the Great’s successors) in Egypt; born 308 BCE and ruled 282-246.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; history; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 3 August 2002@06:13:18.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added cross-reference and keywords) on 3 August 2002@10:08:45.
David Whitehead (added note; cosmetics) on 4 August 2002@04:52:18.
David Whitehead (modified n.4; typo and other cosmetics) on 27 September 2004@07:35:43.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords) on 21 August 2011@10:20:00.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2014@12:07:36.


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