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Search results for pi,3035 in Adler number:
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Headword: *ptolemai=os
Adler number: pi,3035
Translated headword: Ptolemy, Ptolemaios
Vetting Status: high
grammarian, named 'Epithet', because he followed Aristarchus.[1] He attended the lectures of the grammarian Hellanicus,[2] who in turn attended Agathocles'[3] lectures, as he attended those of Zenodotus of Ephesus.[4] He wrote On the Blows[5] in Homer; a commentary on the Odyssey.
Greek Original:
*ptolemai=os, grammatiko/s, o( *)epiqe/ths klhqei/s, dio/ti ei(/peto tw=| *)arista/rxw|. dihkhko/ei de\ *(ellani/kou tou= grammatikou=, o( de\ *)agaqokle/ous, o( de\ *zhnodo/tou tou= *)efesi/ou. e)/graye *peri\ tw=n par' *(omh/rw| plhgw=n, *(upo/mnhma ei)s th\n *)odu/sseian.
RE Ptolemaios (78).
[1] alpha 3892: Aristarchus.
[2] RE Hellanikos (8); OCD4 Hellanicus(2).
[3] RE Agathokles (25); OCD4 Agathocles(2); possibly to be identified with FGrH 472.
[4] zeta 74: Zenodotus.
[5] plhgw=n, presumably in the sense of wartime reversals (see generally LSJ s.v. plhgh/, 6). Adler notes (but rejects) Duentzer's suggested emendation to glwssw=n.
F. Montanari, I frammenti dei grammatici Agathokles, Hellanikos, Ptolemaios Epithetes (SGLG 7, Berlin 1988)
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; military affairs; poetry
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 8 September 2003@15:26:28.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (cosmetics, added keywords, set status) on 8 September 2003@16:58:22.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; cosmetics) on 31 December 2007@10:18:43.
David Whitehead on 23 October 2013@03:44:35.
David Whitehead (updated 2 refs) on 2 August 2014@11:48:44.


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