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Headword: *molpago/ras
Adler number: mu,1204
Translated headword: Molpagoras
Vetting Status: high
Among the Kians[1] this man could speak and act capably but was greedy by inclination. By associating with and flattering the masses, subjecting those living a life of prosperity to mob-rule, and finally killing some of them and banishing others - confiscating their property and distributing it among the people - he soon in this way secured autocratic power.[2]
Greek Original:
*molpago/ras: ou(=tos h)=n para\ toi=s *kei/ois kai\ le/gein kai\ pra/ttein i(kano/s, kata\ de\ th\n ai(/resin pleone/kths. o(\s pro\s xa/rin o(milw=n tw=| plh/qei kai\ tou\s eu)kairou=ntas toi=s bi/ois u(poba/llwn toi=s o)/xlois kai/ tinas e)s te/los a)nairw=n, tina\s de\ fugadeu/wn kai\ ta\s ou)si/as tou/twn dhmeu/wn kai\ diadidou\s toi=s polloi=s taxe/ws tw=| toiou/tw| tro/pw| periepoih/sato monarxikh\n e)cousi/an.
From Polybius 15.21.1-2. Time: late C3 BCE.
[1] i.e. the citizens of Kios, in Bithynia. The mss of the Suda have 'Keians', but the easy emendation from Kei/ois to Kianoi=s is necessary and has long been standard. For Kios see kappa 1658.
[2] The version of this passage at delta 412 is more abbreviated but turns the final verb into a participle and adds "he was killed by certain people".
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 9 July 2001@03:49:30.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (modiifed translation, added keyword, set status) on 22 October 2003@00:11:11.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 10 June 2004@11:59:02.
David Whitehead on 26 May 2013@07:39:29.


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