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Headword: *luko/frwn
Adler number: lambda,827
Translated headword: Lykophron, Lycophron
Vetting Status: high
of Chalcis in Euboea;[1] son of Socles, and by adoption of Lycus of Rhegium.[2] Grammarian and tragic poet; he is one of the seven who are named the Pleiad.[3] His tragedies are: Aeolus; Andromeda; Aletes; Aeolides; Elephenor; Heracles; Suppliants; Hippolytus; Cassandreis; Laius; Marathonians; Nauplius; Oedipus (1 and 2); Orphan; Pentheus; Pelopidae; Allies; Telegonus; Chrysippus. Of these, the Nauplius is a revision. He also wrote the so-called Alexandra, the obscure poem.[4]
Greek Original:
*luko/frwn, *xalkideu\s a)po\ *eu)boi/as, ui(o\s *swkle/ous, qe/sei de\ *lu/kou tou= *(rhgi/nou: grammatiko\s kai\ poihth\s tragw|diw=n. e)/sti gou=n ei(=s tw=n e(pta\ oi(/tines *pleia\s w)noma/sqhsan. ei)si\ de\ ai( tragw|di/ai au)tou= *ai)o/los, *)androme/da, *)alh/ths, *ai)oli/dhs, *)elefh/nwr, *(hraklh=s, *(ike/tai, *(ippo/lutos, *kassandrei=s, *la/i+os, *maraqw/nioi, *nau/plios, *oi)di/pous a#, b#, *)orfano/s, *penqeu/s, *pelopi/dai, *su/mmaxoi, *thle/gonos, *xru/sippos. diaskeuh\ d' e)sti\n e)k tou/twn o( *nau/plios. e)/graye kai\ th\n kaloume/nhn *)aleca/ndran, to\ skoteino\n poi/hma.
C4-3 BC. See generally RE Lykophron(8); OCD4 s.v. Lycophron(2), on which see further below; TrGF 100.
[1] The suffix (for which cf. epsilon 3801) distinguishes this place from homonyms in Epirus and elsewhere.
[2] Lycus: lambda 814.
[3] cf. alpha 1127, delta 1169, omicron 253, sigma 817, sigma 860, sigma 863, tau 894, phi 358.
[4] Modern scholarship, which shares this estimate of the Alexandra, actually dissociates it from Lycophron of Chalcis: see the OCD article.
Simon Hornblower, Lycophron, Alexandra: Greek text, Translation, Commentary and Introduction (Oxford, Clarendon Press 2015)
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; mythology; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 30 August 2003@10:39:11.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (Cosmetics, added keywords, set status) on 30 August 2003@10:46:10.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; typo) on 31 August 2003@07:19:14.
David Whitehead (another note) on 24 April 2013@03:48:56.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@07:37:11.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 3 January 2015@00:02:11.
David Whitehead (added bibliography) on 7 May 2015@03:03:32.


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