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Search results for epsilon,3529 in Adler number:
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Headword: *eu)kairi/a
Adler number: epsilon,3529
Translated headword: favourable location, felicitous position
Vetting Status: high
"King Antiochus was eager to gain possession of Ephesus because of its favourable location: it gives the appearance of standing as a citadel, both by land and by sea, protecting Ionia and the cities of the Hellespont, and it is always a most favourably-located defence against Europe for the kings of Asia".
Greek Original:
*eu)kairi/a. o(/ti *)anti/oxos o( basileu\s pa/nu w)re/geto th=s *)efe/sou dia\ th\n eu)kairi/an, tw=| dokei=n me\n kata\ th=s *)iwni/as kai\ tw=n e)f' *(ellhspo/ntou po/lewn kai\ kata\ gh=n kai\ kata\ qa/lattan a)kropo/lews e)/xein qe/sin, kata\ de\ th=s *eu)rw/phs a)munth/rion u(pa/rxein a)ei\ th=s *)asi/as basileu=sin eu)kairo/taton.
Polybius 18.41a (40a in Loeb edition), on events of 197 BCE.
For Antiochus III "the Great" (reigned 223-187) see alpha 2693.
See also epsilon 3532, epsilon 3533.
Keywords: biography; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 May 2003@04:38:42.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 21 July 2003@00:27:53.
David Whitehead (expanded notes) on 21 July 2003@03:04:42.
David Whitehead on 7 November 2012@04:52:42.


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