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Search results for alphaiota,87 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,87
Translated headword: yielding to shame
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning someone] being ashamed.[1]
"And he put on a gold crown, doing this out of shame [for] the virtue accompanying Marcellus."[2]
Greek Original:*ai)doi= ei)/kwn: ai)dou/menos. kai\ xrusou=n ste/fanon e)pe/balen ai)doi= tou=to drw=n th=s peri\ to\n *ma/rkellon a)reth=s.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica. The headword phrase must be quoted from somewhere (other than the quotation given, which has a different one involving 'shame'). Adler did not identify it, but it is surely
Iliad 10.238; cf. Latte on
Hesychius s.v. and Theodoridis on
Photius s.v.
[2] Evidently from an historical account, but not readily identifiable. Adler called Bernhardy's nomination of
Cassius Dio 'rash' and preferred John of
Antioch. More attractive -- given
Marcellus 30, on Hannibal's show of respect to the dead M. Claudius Marcellus -- is
Polybius (Mor. Mueller); cf., along the same lines, Favuzzi's suggested attribution to
Aelian (see under
epsilon 3944).
Keywords: biography; definition; epic; ethics; historiography; history
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 May 2003@09:30:35.
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