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Search results for alpha,3936 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3936
Translated headword: Aristonymos, Aristonymus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A comic poet.[1] [One] of his plays is the
Shivering Sun, as
Athenaeus [notes] in
[He lived] while
Ptolemy Philadelphos was ruling, and [during] Philopator after him;[3] and he managed the library of the king after Apollonius[4], when he was 62. Having been prepared to consider fleeing to Eumenes,[5] he was guarded in prison for some time. He was released and died of strangury,[6] having lived for 77 years. His writings [were] very many.
Greek Original:*)aristw/numos, kwmiko/s. tw=n drama/twn au)tou= e)stin *(/hlios r(igw=n, w(s *)aqh/naios e)n *deipnosofistai=s. basileu/ontos *ptolemai/ou tou= *filade/lfou, kai\ tou= met' au)to\n tou= *filopa/toros: kai\ proe/sth th=s tou= basile/ws biblioqh/khs meta\ *)apollw/nion, e)/tos a)/gwn cb#. diaskeuasqei\s de\ w(s bouleuo/menos pro\s *eu)menh= fugei=n, e)fula/xqh e)n ei(rkth=| xro/non tina/. h)fei/qh de\ kai\ u(po\ straggouri/as teleuta=|, e)/th bebiwkw\s oz#. suggra/mmata de\ au)tou= pa/nu polla/.
[1] An Athenian contemporarary of
Aristophanes. See generally OCD(4) s.v. (p.157); Kassel-Austin, PCG II pp.571-574.
Deipnosophists 7.285E (7.23 Kaibel) and 7.287C-D (7.28 Kaibel).
Ptolemy II Philadelphus ruled 285(282)-246;
Ptolemy IV Philopator was his successor-but-one, ruling 221-205. Perhaps, therefore,
Ptolemy III Euergetes was meant. In any case the entry has now, manifestly, left its initial subject and turned to someone else: a Hellenistic scholar and librarian. See next note.
[4] Although the actual successor of Apollonius (of
Rhodes) in this post was
Eratosthenes (
epsilon 2989), the Suda erroneously thought that it was
Aristophanes of
Byzantium (R. Pfeiffer,
History of Classical Scholarship (Oxford 1968) 154, 171-2; and cf.
alpha 3419); so
Aristophanes (
alpha 3933) is the unnamed subject of this material.
[5] King Eumenes II of Pergamum. (Note that Pfeiffer op.cit. 172 n.3 proposes emending
diaskeuasqei/s here to
diaskefqei/s: "observed as planning to fly, he was imprisoned".
[6] See generally
sigma 1162,
sigma 1163.
Keywords: biography; chronology; history; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 31 July 2001@19:56:17.
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