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Headword: *)aristw/numos
Adler number: alpha,3936
Translated headword: Aristonymos, Aristonymus
Vetting Status: high
A comic poet.[1] [One] of his plays is the Shivering Sun, as Athenaeus [notes] in Deipnosophists.[2]
[He lived] while Ptolemy Philadelphos was ruling, and [during] Philopator after him;[3] and he managed the library of the king after Apollonius[4], when he was 62. Having been prepared to consider fleeing to Eumenes,[5] he was guarded in prison for some time. He was released and died of strangury,[6] having lived for 77 years. His writings [were] very many.
Greek Original:
*)aristw/numos, kwmiko/s. tw=n drama/twn au)tou= e)stin *(/hlios r(igw=n, w(s *)aqh/naios e)n *deipnosofistai=s. basileu/ontos *ptolemai/ou tou= *filade/lfou, kai\ tou= met' au)to\n tou= *filopa/toros: kai\ proe/sth th=s tou= basile/ws biblioqh/khs meta\ *)apollw/nion, e)/tos a)/gwn cb#. diaskeuasqei\s de\ w(s bouleuo/menos pro\s *eu)menh= fugei=n, e)fula/xqh e)n ei(rkth=| xro/non tina/. h)fei/qh de\ kai\ u(po\ straggouri/as teleuta=|, e)/th bebiwkw\s oz#. suggra/mmata de\ au)tou= pa/nu polla/.
[1] An Athenian contemporarary of Aristophanes. See generally OCD(4) s.v. (p.157); Kassel-Austin, PCG II pp.571-574.
[2] Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 7.285E (7.23 Kaibel) and 7.287C-D (7.28 Kaibel).
[3] Ptolemy II Philadelphus ruled 285(282)-246; Ptolemy IV Philopator was his successor-but-one, ruling 221-205. Perhaps, therefore, Ptolemy III Euergetes was meant. In any case the entry has now, manifestly, left its initial subject and turned to someone else: a Hellenistic scholar and librarian. See next note.
[4] Although the actual successor of Apollonius (of Rhodes) in this post was Eratosthenes (epsilon 2989), the Suda erroneously thought that it was Aristophanes of Byzantium (R. Pfeiffer, History of Classical Scholarship (Oxford 1968) 154, 171-2; and cf. alpha 3419); so Aristophanes (alpha 3933) is the unnamed subject of this material.
[5] King Eumenes II of Pergamum. (Note that Pfeiffer op.cit. 172 n.3 proposes emending diaskeuasqei/s here to diaskefqei/s: "observed as planning to fly, he was imprisoned".
[6] See generally sigma 1162, sigma 1163.
Keywords: biography; chronology; history; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 31 July 2001@19:56:17.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 1 August 2001@06:16:22.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 25 August 2002@04:37:47.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 10 November 2005@09:21:07.
David Whitehead (another note; cosmetics) on 4 March 2011@03:30:04.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 12 April 2012@06:12:27.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 31 July 2014@03:40:17.
David Whitehead on 22 December 2014@05:56:29.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 14 January 2015@00:08:05.


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