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Headword: Nikomachos
Adler number: nu,397
Translated headword: Nikomachos, Nikomakhos, Nicomachus
Vetting Status: high
Athenian, tragedian; [the man] who won startling victories over Euripides[1] and Theognis.[2] His plays include an Oedipus.
Greek Original:
Nikomachos, Athênaios, tragikos: hos paradoxôs Euripidên kai Theognin enikêse. tôn dramatôn estin autou Oidipous.
C5 BCE. Fragments in B. Snell (ed.), TGF 1.155. For a homonymous tragedian who also wrote an Oedipus, Nikomachos of Alexandreia Troas, see nu 296.
[1] Euripides: epsilon 3695.
[2] Theognis: theta 137.
Keywords: biography; geography; mythology; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 September 2003@05:30:37.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (cosmetics, augmented note, added cross-reference and keyword, set status) on 28 September 2003@15:41:23.
David Whitehead (typo) on 29 September 2003@03:57:34.
David Whitehead on 10 June 2013@03:11:41.


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