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Headword: *zh/nwn
Adler number: zeta,82
Translated headword: Zenon, Zeno
Vetting Status: high
Of Alexandria, a Jew by birth who publicly renounced his relationship with the Jews according to their custom by driving the white donkey through what they call the synagogue on the day of rest. This Zeno was a good and pious man by nature, but rather slow in literature and learning. He always desired to learn something and kept asking questions about what he did not know, but remained almost completely ignorant. He was very dull in understanding; those things which he finally managed to learn he quickly betrayed through forgetfulness.[1] There was also another Zeno, a companion of Proklos, living at the same time, a Pergamene by birth; he also was rather deficient in natural ability as far as knowledge is concerned; but he was good and well-disciplined in character. Which of these two [Zenos] provided Sallustius with the cause of his dispute with Proklos I am not able to say.[2]
Greek Original:
*zh/nwn, *)alecandreu/s, a)nh\r *)ioudai=os me\n gegonw/s, a)peipa/menos de\ dhmosi/a| pro\s to\ fu=lon tw=n *)ioudai/wn, w(s para\ sfi/si neno/mistai to\n leuko\n o)/non e)n th=| a)rgou/sh| h(me/ra| dia\ th=s kaloume/nhs au)tw=n sunagwgh=s e)lasa/menos. ou(=tos o( *zh/nwn e)pieikh\s me\n h)=n fu/sei kai\ i(ero/s, a)lla\ nwqe/steros e)n lo/gois kai\ maqh/masin, e)fie/menos me\n a)ei/ ti manqa/nein kai\ e)rwtw=n, o(/ ti a)\n a)gnooi=, pa/nta de\ sxedo\n a)gnow=n. kai\ ga\r noh=sai bradu/tatos h)=n, kai\ tw=n nohqe/ntwn o)ye/ pote prodo/ths u(po\ lh/qhs e(toimo/tatos. h)=n de\ kai\ e(/teros *zh/nwn, tou= *pro/klou e(tai=- ros, kata\ to\n au)to\n xro/non, tw=| me\n ge/nei *pergamhno/s, th=| de\ fu/sei kai\ au)to\s e)ndee/steros, ta/ ge pro\s e)pisth/mhn: e)pieikh\s de\ kai\ ta\ h)/qh kathrtume/nos. o(po/teros de\ au)toi=n a)formh\n th=| diasta/sei pare/sxeto tw=| *salousti/w| pro\s to\n *pro/klon, ou)k e)/xw fra/zein.
[1] Damascius, Life of Isidore fr. 239 Zintzen (141 Asmus, 67 Athanassiadi).
[2] Id. fr. 143 Zintzen (88 Asmus, 68 Athanassiadi). On Proclus see pi 2473; Sallustius, sigma 62 and sigma 63.
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; philosophy; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 April 2004@02:03:43.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 13 April 2004@04:30:58.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 30 November 2012@03:48:03.


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