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Headword: *(/uhs
Adler number: upsilon,82
Translated headword: Hues, Hyes
Vetting Status: high
*(/uou [in the genitive].
An epithet of Dionysus;[1] so [says] Clidemus.[2] "Because," he says, "we perform sacrifices to him, during the time in which the god sends rain."[3] But Pherecydes[4] [says] that Semele was called Hue and Dionysus’ nurses Huades.[5] Aristophanes includes Hues among the foreign gods.[6]
Greek Original:
*(/uhs, *(/uou. e)pi/qeton *dionu/sou: w(s *klei/dhmos. e)peidh/, fhsi/n, e)pitelou=men ta\s qusi/as au)tw=|, kaq' o(\n o( qeo\s u(/ei xro/non. o( de\ *fereku/dhs th\n *seme/lhn *(/uhn le/gesqai kai\ ta\s tou= *dionu/sou trofou\s *(ua/das. *)aristofa/nhs de\ sugkatale/gei cenikoi=s qeoi=s to\ *(/uhn.
After the grammatical opening, the entry follows Harpokration (and Photius) s.v.
[1] Also of Zeus, according to Hesychius and Theognostus. Herodian the Grammarian says it should have a perispomenon accent (*(uh=s).
[2] The Atthidographer, a.k.a. Clitodemus; cf. alpha 2972, eta 421, kappa 1745, pi 3151 (and epsilon 2505).
[3] Clidemus FGrH 323 F27.
[4] Of Athens (phi 216).
[5] Pherecydes FGrH 3 F90a.
[6] Aristophanes fr. 878 Kock (908 K.-A.), of a feminine.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; mythology; religion
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 21 July 2009@20:21:31.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweaked notes, added keywords, set status) on 22 July 2009@00:42:46.
David Whitehead (updated some references; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 22 July 2009@03:18:12.
David Whitehead (tweaked notes) on 13 July 2011@08:53:05.
David Whitehead on 19 November 2013@09:55:54.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 9 November 2022@18:35:23.


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