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Headword: *(upo/stasis
Adler number: upsilon,585
Translated headword: subsistence, substance, actual existence; resistance
Vetting Status: high
Strictly speaking, [it is] what subsists by itself and with its own constitution.[1] So there is a thing both subsistent and essential where the gathering of what is accidental subsists as in one underlying reality and actuality.[2]
The etymology of 'subsistence' [u(po/stasis] derives from the [verb] 'to subsist' [u(festa/nai] and 'to exist' [u(pa/rxein].
But in Aelian he calls opposition u(po/stasis ['resistence']. For he says: "the Syrian people revolted [sc. from Persia] and he received in addition the neighbors of the Phoenicians in regard to both the same attack and resistance."[3]
Greek Original:
*(upo/stasis: kuri/ws to\ kaq' e(auto\ i)diosusta/tws u(fista/menon. e)/stin ou)=n pra=gma u(festw/s te kai\ ou)siw=des, e)n w(=| to\ tw=n sumbebhko/twn a)/qroisma w(s e)n e(ni\ u(pokeime/nw| pra/gmati kai\ e)nergei/a| u(fe/sthken. e)tumologei=tai de\ u(po/stasis para\ to\ u(festa/nai kai\ u(pa/rxein. para\ de\ *ai)lianw=| u(po/stasin le/gei th\n a)nti/stasin: fhsi\ ga/r: a)pe/sth to\ e)/qnos tw=n *su/rwn kai\ *foini/kwn tou\s gei/tonas prose/laben ei)s th\n au)th\n o(rmh/n te kai\ u(po/stasin.
[1] cf. John of Damascus, Dialectica sive capita philosophica 28.15, 48.15.
[2] Meletius, On the nature of mankind 154.29 (J. A. Cramer, Anecdota Graeca vol. 3).
[3] Aelian fr. 62a Domingo-Forasté, 59 Hercher (on Alexander the Great).
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; philosophy; politics; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 4 January 2004@09:41:57.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (altered translation at one point; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 7 January 2004@04:28:34.
Catharine Roth (modified translation) on 18 June 2004@02:15:56.
Catharine Roth (updated reference in note 3, tweaked translation) on 16 February 2012@00:57:12.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 29 November 2013@03:36:26.
David Whitehead (coding) on 30 May 2016@05:54:00.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation and reference) on 19 December 2022@00:54:20.


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