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Headword: *qu/raze
Adler number: theta,598
Translated headword: outdoors
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] outside the door.[1] [sc. There is a proverbial phrase] "outdoors, Kares, the Anthesteria are over."[2] Some say the expression arises because of the number of Carian slaves, since during the Anthesteria they were feasting and not working. Thus when the festival was finished they sent them off to their work saying "outdoors, Kares, the Anthesteria are over." Some, however, say the expression this way: "outdoors, spirits, the Anthesteria are not in here."[3] On the basis that during the Anthesteria the souls would be wandering throughout the city.
Greek Original:
*qu/raze: e)/cw th=s qu/ras. *qu/raze *ka=res, ou)k e)/t' *)anqesth/ria. oi( me\n dia\ plh=qos oi)ketw=n *karikw=n ei)rh=sqai/ fasin, w(s e)n toi=s *)anqesthri/ois eu)wxoume/nwn au)tw=n kai\ ou)k e)rgazome/nwn. th=s ou)=n e(orth=s telesqei/shs le/gein e)pi\ ta\ e)/rga e)kpe/mpontas au)tou/s, qu/raze *ka=res, ou)k e)/t' *)anqesth/ria. tine\s de\ ou(/tws th\n paroimi/an fasi/: qu/raze kh=res, ou)k e)/ni *)anqesth/ria. w(s kata\ th\n po/lin toi=s *)anqesthri/ois tw=n yuxw=n perierxome/nwn.
cf. theta 599.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica, and cf. also the scholia to Homer, Iliad 5.694, where the headword adverb occurs.
[2] This version of it (cf. Photius theta276, Zenobius 4.33) constitutes an iambic trimeter, and is in Doric or quasi-Doric dialect. Confusion arises for the ancient commentators because the Doric form of the word for 'spirits', ka=res (vs. Attic/Ionic kh=res: kappa 1530, kappa 1531) is the same as the word for 'Carians', a people of southwestern Anatolia (kappa 374, etc.). On the Anthesteria, an important late-winter festival in Athens, cf. alpha 2500, chi 369, chi 370, chi 623.
[3] This version of the saying is unmetrical, and employs the Attic/Ionic form of the word for 'spirits' (see previous note).
Keywords: agriculture; architecture; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; epic; geography; meter and music; poetry; proverbs; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 21 February 2008@20:46:24.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (typo, status) on 22 February 2008@00:45:24.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 22 February 2008@04:20:15.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 7 January 2013@08:25:57.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr) on 26 March 2021@04:57:12.


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