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Headword: *qrasu/maxos
Adler number: theta,462
Translated headword: Thrasymachos, Thrasymachus
Vetting Status: high
A Chalcedonian sophist, from the Chalcedon in Bithynia.[1] He was the first to discover period and colon, and he introduced the modern kind of rhetoric. He was a pupil of the philosopher Plato and of the rhetor Isocrates.[2] He wrote deliberative speeches; an Art of Rhetoric; paegnia; Rhetorical Resources.
Scholion of Michael the Nossaite monk.[3] Our city too produced a nature adept at learning; but, so it seems, it is not the place that was the cause but the time, when men of the greatest natural talent flourished. Nowadays people here watch for tunnies and put their trust in nets and fishing-lines; they live to fill their stomachs, 'many places of the jaw',[4] thinking about ephemeral matters, and caring little or nothing for eloquence; the office of their high-priest fell to the chief of those who walk to Troezen. Those who know the proverb understand.
For the proverb see 'you need a walk to Troezen'.[5]
Greek Original:
*qrasu/maxos, *xalkhdo/nios sofisth/s, th=s e)n *biquni/a| *xalkhdo/nos, o(\s prw=tos peri/odon kai\ kw=lon kate/deice kai\ to\n nu=n th=s r(htorikh=s tro/pon ei)shgh/sato: maqhth\s *pla/twnos tou= filoso/fou kai\ *)isokra/tous tou= r(h/toros. e)/graye *sumbouleutikou/s, *te/xnhn r(htorikh/n, *pai/gnia, *)aforma\s r(htorika/s. sxo/lion *mixah\l monaxou= tou= *nossai/+tou. h)/negke kai\ h( kaq' h(ma=s po/lis fu/sin decia\n ei)s ma/qhsin: a)ll', w(s e)/oiken, ou)x o( to/pos ai)/tios, a)ll' o( xro/nos, kaq' o(\n h)/kmasan oi( megalofue/statoi a)/ndres. ta\ nu=n de\ qunnoskopou=sin oi( th=|de kai\ li/nois kai\ o(rmiai=s prosane/xousi, to/n te bi/on o)/ntes xeiroga/stores o(\s polla\ th=s gna/qou xwri/a e)fhme/ria/ te frone/ousin, o)li/ga h)\ ou)de\n tw=n lo/gwn fronti/zontes, w(=n a)rxierateu/ein e)/laxe tw=n ei)s *troizh=na badisa/ntwn o( e)coxw/tatos. i)/stwsan oi( th=s paroimi/as ei)dh/mones. zh/tei th\n paroimi/an e)n tw=| ei)s *troizh=na dei= badi/zein.
Latter part of C5 BC. See generally RE Thrasymachos(1); OCD4 Thrasymachus; D-K 85.
[1] Barrington Atlas map 53 grid B3 (opposite Byzantium); chi 38. As no other city of this name is attested, the qualifying phrase might seem otiose, but -- here as elsewhere -- the mss show confusion between Chalkedon and Karchedon (Carthage).
[2] iota 652: Isocrates.
[3] This note has been incorrectly filed (cf. generically pi 1959): it belongs with theta 584: thunnoskopon ('watching for tunnies').
[4] A confused quotation of an unattributable comic fragment (adespota 604 Kassel-Austin), 'empty are many places of the jaw'; explained by Phrynichus (Praeparatio Sophistica 78.23f. de Borries), 'of those who do not have in abundance, so as to fill their jaws'.
[5] epsiloniota 324: eis Troizena dei badizein.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; comedy; daily life; food; geography; philosophy; proverbs; religion; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 15 June 2001@14:37:58.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; restorative and other cosmetics) on 13 September 2002@09:55:31.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 6 January 2013@05:45:58.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@10:59:13.
David Whitehead (another note; cosmetics) on 28 April 2016@05:46:33.


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