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Headword: *triw/bolon
Adler number: tau,998
Translated headword: triobol
Vetting Status: high
The sum of three obols.[1]
Aristophanes in Wealth [writes]: "for [it would be] appalling, if for the sake of a triobol we were to jostle every time in the assembly."[2] Nobody served as a juror unless he was over 60 years of age.[3] Those who had become adults used to attend the assembly but did not serve as jurors. So the politicians, having persuaded the city [sc. to this effect], made it clear that these assembly-members were taking something from the city's revenues. Subsequently Cleon[4] made this a triobol. A juvenile did not attend the assembly.
Greek Original:
*triw/bolon: to\ trei=s o)bolou\s e)/xon. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|: deino\n ga/r, ei) triwbo/lou me\n e(/neka w)stizoi/meq' e(ka/stote e)n th=| e)kklhsi/a|. ou)dei\s e)di/kazen, ei) mh\ e)pe/baine tw=n c# e)niautw=n. o(/soi de\ telei/as h(liki/as h)=san, ei)sh/rxonto me\n ei)s th\n e)kklhsi/an, ou)k e)di/kazon de/. tou/tous ou)=n tou\s e)kklhsiasta\s e)poi/hsan fanero/n ti lamba/nein a)po\ tw=n th=s po/lews proso/dwn oi( dhmagwgoi/, pei/santes th\n po/lin. u(/steron de\ o( *kle/wn e)poi/hsen au)to\ triw/bolon. a)fh=lic de\ ei)s th\n e)kklhsi/an ou)k ei)sh/rxeto.
[1] Or: a coin worth three obols.
[2] Aristophanes, Plutus 329-330 with (a very confused and confusing) scholion; see web address 1 and cf. omega 247.
[3] 30, rather.
[4] kappa 1731.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; constitution; definition; economics; history; law; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 October 2006@08:42:27.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added link, set status) on 18 October 2006@11:04:12.
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 19 October 2006@03:01:52.
David Whitehead on 15 August 2011@07:42:56.


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