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Headword: *ti/sis
Adler number: tau,666
Translated headword: vengeance
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] retribution,[1] restitution.[2]
Greek Original:
*ti/sis: timwri/a, a)po/dosis.
In Homer and other authors the headword noun ti/sis has the meanings of "payment by way of return or recompense, retribution, vengeance" (LSJ s.v.); see e.g. Homer, Iliad 22.19, Odyssey 1.40, 2.76; Hesiod, Theogony 210; Theognis 337, 345 (power to repay or requite); Anaximander 12 A9 Diels-Kranz; Herodotus 3.126.1. The first of the two glossing words, timwri/a -- see n.1 -- appears with the same meaning in other authors (not in Homer, where timh/ (tau 603) or poinh/ convey this sense): retribution, vengeance. See also tau 657, tau 663, tau 664, tau 667, tau 668, tau 669.
[1] LSJ s.v. timwri/a: "retribution, vengeance (differing from ko/lasis, corrective punishment, in Aristotle, Rhetoric 1369b12)." In Herodotus 7.8 both words appear together: timwri/a kai\ ti/sis, with the senses of vengeance and punishment respectively. In Plato it means penalty: Republic 579A, cf. Laws 943D.
[2] This word (cf. alpha 3301) has a more restricted semantic field than either ti/sis or timwri/a; see nevertheless LSJ s.v., with instances of its meaning "giving back, restitution, return" (e.g. Herodotus 4.9, Thucydides 5.35, Plato, Republic 332B), "payment" (Thucydides 8.85), and generalized "giving" (Plato, Laws 807D).
Notes initially contributed by Andrés R. Cumplido (29 March 2004).
Keywords: daily life; definition; epic; historiography; law; philosophy; poetry
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 24 June 2004@19:27:18.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; streamlined and tidied up notes; added more keywords) on 25 June 2004@04:31:35.
Catharine Roth (betacode cosmetics) on 25 June 2004@11:33:41.
David Whitehead on 14 August 2011@08:15:27.
David Whitehead on 13 January 2014@09:45:10.


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