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Headword: *timokre/wn
Adler number: tau,625
Translated headword: Timokreon, Timocreon
Vetting Status: high
Of Rhodes;[1] he too was a poet of Old Comedy.[2] He was at odds with Simonides the melic poet[3] and with the Athenian Themistokles, against whom he contrived a rebuke in poetic form.[4] He wrote a comedy whose target was both this same Themistokles and Simonides the melic poet, and other works.
Greek Original:
*timokre/wn, *(ro/dios, kwmiko\s kai\ au)to\s th=s a)rxai/as kwmw|di/as. diefe/reto de\ pro\s *simwni/dhn to\n tw=n melw=n poihth\n kai\ *qemistokle/a to\n *)aqhnai=on, ei)s o(\n e)cu/fane yo/gon di' e)mmelou=s tinos poih/matos. e)/graye de\ kwmw|di/an ei)/s te to\n au)to\n *qemistokle/a kai\ ei)s *simwni/dhn to\n melopoio/n, kai\ a)/lla.
Late C6/early C5 BCE. See generally C. Carey in OCD(4) s.v.
See already under sigma 645.
[1] More precisely, of Ialysos, in the north of the island.
[2] The cross-reference (in 'too') is to tau 623 and tau 624. But in fact the classification is incorrect: T. was a lyric and elegiac poet.
[3] Simonides: see generally sigma 439, sigma 440, sigma 441.
[4] Themistokles/Themistocles: see generally theta 124, theta 125, theta 126. For his feud with Timokreon, cf. Plutarch, Themistocles 21.
Frank J. Frost, Plutarch's Themistocles (Princeton 1980) 181-184
A.J. Podlecki, The Life of Themistocles: a critical survey of the literary and archaeological evidence (Montreal & London 1975) 51-54
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; ethics; geography; history; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 15 September 2003@08:18:54.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 15 September 2003@19:45:23.
David Whitehead (added bibliog) on 16 September 2003@03:09:07.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; tweak) on 22 May 2008@06:30:23.
David Whitehead on 13 January 2014@07:21:25.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@08:07:34.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 26 August 2022@00:25:22.


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