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Headword: *th\n gh=n
Adler number: tau,515
Translated headword: the land
Vetting Status: high
"When they consider [the land] of their enemies to be their own, and theirs their enemies', and their fleet a revenue, and their revenue a non-revenue". This is said in accordance with the judgement of Perikles, who, when the Lakedaimonians were invading Attica,[1] ordered the Athenians not to go out [sc. and fight them], but to remain inside the wall, and to attack Lakonia themselves with the fleet. So [sc. his advice was] to regard passage by land as no-passage; but [passage] by sea, this [they were] to regard as passage. Alternatively, thus: to regard having as many ships as possible as [the] one financial resource. But the other means -- anything beyond this -- [they were] to regard as no-means, such as the theoric monies[2] and the jurors' pay. So his recommendation is to allocate all expense entailed in these areas to the [war]ships.
Greek Original:
*th\n gh=n o(/tan nomi/swsi th\n tw=n polemi/wn ei)=nai sfete/ran, th\n de\ sfete/ran tw=n polemi/wn, po/ron de\ ta\s nau=s, a)pori/an de\ to\n po/ron: ei)/rhtai tou=to kata\ th\n *perikle/ous gnw/mhn, o(\s e)ke/leusen *)aqhnai/ois e)mballo/ntwn me\n *lakedaimoni/wn e)s th\n *)attikh/n, mh\ e)pecie/nai, a)ll' e)/sw tei/xous me/nein, au)tou\s de\ dia\ tw=n ploi/wn e)pie/nai th=| *lakwnikh=|. to\n ou)=n kata\ gh=n po/ron a)pori/an h(gei=sqai: to\ de\ dia\ qala/sshs, tou=to h(gei=sqai po/ron. h)\ ou(/tws: e(/na po/ron h(gei=sqai xrhma/twn to\ nau=s w(s plei/stas e)/xein. to\n de\ a)/llon po/ron, o(\s a)\n e)/cw tou/tou ge/nhtai, tou=ton a)pori/an nomi/zein, oi(=on ta\ qewrhtika\ kai\ ta\ dikastika/. sumbouleu/ei ou)=n pa=san th\n e)n tou/tois ginome/nhn dapa/nhn tai=s nausi\n a)fori/sai.
Aeschylus speaking in Aristophanes, Frogs 1463-65, with comment (pursuing the different senses of the word poros and its cognates) from the scholia there. See web address 1.
This entry recycles the major part of pi 1181.
[1] A quarter of a century before the staging of the present play. On the relevance of Periklean strategy to the changed circumstances of 405, with Athens facing defeat, see Dover's edition, 75 (n.19) and 378.
[2] Adler prints the paradosis qewrhtika/, but the context demands qewrika/, as in pi 1181.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; economics; geography; history; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 May 2008@09:49:18.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweaks, link, status) on 14 May 2008@10:34:53.
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 14 May 2008@10:45:14.
David Whitehead on 14 August 2011@06:02:34.
David Whitehead on 22 July 2012@07:36:35.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 23 July 2012@01:01:21.


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