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Headword: *tetralogi/a
Adler number: tau,395
Translated headword: tetralogy
Vetting Status: high
"Plato published the dialogs after the fashion of the tragedians' tetralogy. For they competed with four plays, at the Dionysia, Lenaea, Panathenaia, Chytra; of which the satyr play was the fourth. The four plays were called a tetralogy. So all dialogs known for Plato are 56. [...] [Thrasylus] uses double titles in respect of each of the works, one from the name [of the interlocutor in the dialog], the other from the subject-matter. Euthyphro, or On the holy, leads this tetralogy which is the first; it is an exploratory dialog. Second the Apology [Defence] of Socrates, an ethical one. Third Crito, or On action [= what must be done], ethical. Fourth Phaedo, or On the soul, ethical. The second tetralogy..." and so on. In the book of Diogenes Laertius on the Lives of the Philosophers.[1]
"Aristophanes the poet was the inventor of the tetrameter".[2]
Greek Original:
*tetralogi/a: kata\ th\n tragikh\n tetralogi/an e)ce/dwke *pla/twn tou\s dialo/gous: e)kei=noi ga\r te/trasi dra/masin h)gwni/zonto, *dionusi/ois, *lhnai/ois, *panaqhnai/ois, *xu/trois: w(=n to\ d# h)=n *saturiko/n. ta\ de\ d# dra/mata e)kalei=to tetralogi/a. ei)si\ toi/nun oi( pa/ntes *pla/twni gnh/sioi dia/logoi e(\c kai\ n#. diplai=s de\ xrh=tai tai=s e)pigrafai=s kaq' e(/kaston tw=n bibli/wn, th=| me\n a)po\ tou= o)no/matos, th=| de\ a)po\ tou= pra/gmatos. tau/ths th=s tetralogi/as, h(/tis e)sti\ prw/th, h(gei=tai *eu)qu/frwn h)\ *peri\ o(si/ou: o( dia/logo/s e)sti peirastiko/s. deute/ra *)apologi/a *swkra/tous, h)qiko/s. tri/th *kri/twn h)\ *peri\ prakte/ou, h)qiko/s. teta/rth *fai/dwn h)\ *peri\ yuxh=s, h)qiko/s. deute/ra tetralogi/a, kai\ e)fech=s, e)n tw=| bibli/w| *lae/rtou *dioge/nous peri\ bi/wn filoso/fwn. o(/ti tou= tetrame/trou eu(reth\s *)aristofa/nhs o( poihth/s.
[1] The two passages come directly from Diogenes Laertius 3.56-58, who cites the C1 AD Alexandrian librarian Thrasyl[l]us for this analysis of Plato's dialogs.
[2] This addendum (a marginal addition in ms. V), presupposing a missing headword "Tetrameter", is repeated exactly from omicron 127, "octameter". See also alpha 3932.
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; meter and music; philosophy; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 29 May 2000@04:09:35.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; added keyword; cosmetics) on 21 May 2001@07:19:29.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 20 November 2005@09:36:47.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 12 August 2011@09:29:45.
David Whitehead (my typo) on 9 January 2014@06:05:38.
David Whitehead (codings) on 27 May 2016@11:38:28.
Catharine Roth (another keyword) on 16 July 2022@16:55:35.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 13 June 2023@01:28:04.


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