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Adler number: tau,206
Translated headword: Tainaron, Taenarum
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A cape in Lakonike,[1] in which there was a cave-mouth leading down into the underworld. Here too [was] a sanctuary of Poseidon Asphaleios.[2] And when the helots [came] here[3] [and] sat down as suppliants in the sanctuary of Poseidon, the Lakedaimonians, fearing nothing, executed them; and on this account they were deemed accursed.[4] And
Aristophanes [writes]: 'may Poseidon, the god upon
Tainaron, shake and invade all these men's houses'.[5]
Greek Original:*tai/naron: a)krwth/rion th=s *lakwnikh=s, e)n w(=| sto/mion h)=n kata/gon ei)s a(/|dou. e)/nqa kai\ *poseidw=nos i(ero\n *)asfalei/ou. e)kei=se de\ tou\s *ei(/lwtas i(ke/tas kaqesqe/ntas e)n tw=| i(erw=| tou= *poseidw=nos ou)de\n dei/santes a)nei=lon oi( *lakedaimo/nioi: kai\ dia\ tou=to e)do/koun e)nagei=s ei)=nai. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: au)toi=s o( *poseidw=n, ou(pi\ *taina/rw| qeo/s, sei/sas a(/pasin e)mba/loi ta\s oi)ki/as.
OCD(4) s.v. Taenarum.
[1] The regular name for Spartan territory.
[2] 'Poseidon of Safety'.
e)kei=se, lit. 'hither', is dependent on the participle
[4] For this notorious episode, in or before the mid 460s BC, see already
tau 205, and imprimis
Thucydides 1.128.1 (with S. Hornblower,
A Commentary on Thucydides, vol.1 (Oxford 1991) 212-13).
Acharnians 510-11. The substance of the present entry derives from the
scholia on these lines.
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; geography; history; religion
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 31 December 2000@05:56:53.
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