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Headword: *ta\ e)k tw=n a(macw=n skw/mmata
Adler number: tau,19
Translated headword: the jibes from out of the carts
Vetting Status: high
[sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those making jibes openly; for at Athens at the festival of the Choes the revellers on the carts used to make jibes and insults at those they encountered. The same used to happen later at the Lenaia.[1]
"The women of the Athenians used to ride on the cart, when they travelled to Eleusis for the great mystery-ceremonies, and insult each other on the way; for this was their custom."[2]
"Long ago the Alexandrians used to conduct a purification of souls: for on fixed days men carried on carts assigned to this very task would progress through the whole city, take up stances wherever they liked and position themselves by any house they chose, and truly chant 'the things out of a wagon' -- not abusing people falsely but reproaching them with the truth. For they took scrupulous care to examine the reproaches of [= against] the citizens and bring them forward impartially [and] with truth, so that through this everyone escaped wickedness."[3]
Greek Original:
*ta\ e)k tw=n a(macw=n skw/mmata: e)pi\ tw=n a)parakalu/ptws skwpto/ntwn: *)aqh/nhsi ga\r e)n th=| tw=n *xow=n e(orth=| oi( kwma/zontes e)pi\ tw=n a(macw=n tou\s a)pantw=ntas e)/skwpto/n te kai\ e)loido/roun. to\ d' au)to\ kai\ toi=s *lhnai/ois u(/steron e)poi/oun. o(/ti e)pi\ th=s a(ma/chs o)xou/menai ai( gunai=kes ai( tw=n *)aqhnai/wn, e)pa\n ei)s *)eleusi/nia e)ba/dizon ei)s ta\ mega/la musth/ria, e)loido/roun a)llh/las e)n th=| o(dw=|: tou=to ga\r h)=n e)/qos au)tai=s. o(/ti oi( *)alecandrei=s to\ palaio\n kaqarmo\n e)poi- ou=nto yuxw=n: e)n ga\r tai=s w(risme/nais h(me/rais e)f' a(macw=n ferome/nous a)nqrw/pous au)to\ tou=to prostetagme/nous e)piparie/nai th\n po/lin a(/pasan kai\ sta/ntas o(/pou a)\n e)qe/lwsi, kai\ oi)/kw| parasta/ntas o(/pou dh\ boulhqw=sin, a)/|dein tw=| o)/nti ta\ e)c a(ma/chs, ou) ta\ yeudh= loidorou=ntas, a)lla\ ta)lhqh= o)neidi/zontas. e)pimele\s ga\r ei)=nai sfi/sin a)kribw=s e)ceta/zein ta\ o)nei/dh tw=n politw=n kai\ tau=ta a)deka/stws profe/rein meta\ a)lhqei/as, w(/ste dia\ tou=to pa/ntas a)podidra/skein th\n ponhri/an.
[1] Likewise in Photius (tau9 Theodoridis), taken to come from Pausanias the Atticist (tau4); similarly in several of the paroemiographers. For the Choes, see chi 369, chi 370.
[2] From the scholia to Aristophanes, Plutus [Wealth] 1014, where this topic is mentioned (web address 1).
[3] Adler passes no comment on this supplementary material, which is unidentifiable even with modern aids such as the TLG. The phrase 'the things out of a wagon' (singular, unlike the present headword) can be paralleled, but the mention of Alexandria inspires no confidence.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: chronology; comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 March 2010@07:41:59.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 23 March 2010@01:19:58.
David Whitehead (typo; x-refs) on 23 March 2010@04:30:07.
Catharine Roth (added link) on 23 March 2010@18:07:01.
David Whitehead on 6 January 2014@06:53:26.


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