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Search results for tau,1195 in Adler number:
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Headword: *turrhni/a
Adler number: tau,1195
Translated headword: Tyrrhenia, Etruria, Tuscany
Vetting Status: high
A territory [of that name]. Also [sc. attested are] 'Tyrrhenians', [meaning] those called Tuscans.[1]
An expert man among them wrote a history: he said that the god who created everything granted 12,000 years to all his creatures, and distributed these to what are called the twelve houses.[2] In the 1st thousand years he made heaven and earth. In the 2nd he made this visible firmament, calling it heaven. In the 3rd [he made] the sea and all the waters on the earth. In the 4th [he made] the great lights, the sun and moon and the stars. In the 5th [he made] every living form of flying and creeping and four-footed animals, in the air and on the earth and in the waters. In the 6th [he made] mankind. It appears indeed that the first six thousand years passed by before the creation of man, but the human race persists for the remaining six thousand years. Thus the whole time until its completion is 12 thousand years.[3]
Greek Original:
*turrhni/a: xw/ra. kai\ *turrhnoi\ oi( lego/menoi *tou=skoi. i(stori/an de\ par' au)toi=s e)/mpeiros a)nh\r sunegra/yato: e)/fh ga\r to\n dhmiourgo\n tw=n pa/ntwn qeo\n ib# xilia/das e)niautw=n toi=s pa=sin au)tou= filotimh/sasqai kti/smasi, kai\ tau/tas diaqei=nai toi=s ib# legome/nois oi)/kois: kai\ th=| me\n a# xilia/di poih=sai to\n ou)rano\n kai\ th\n gh=n: th=| de\ b# poih=sai to\ stere/wma tou=to to\ faino/menon, kale/sas au)to\ ou)rano/n, th=| g# th\n qa/lassan kai\ ta\ u(/data ta\ e)n th=| gh=| pa/nta, th=| d# tou\s fwsth=ras tou\s mega/lous, h(/lion kai\ selh/nhn kai\ tou\s a)ste/ras, th=| e# pa=san yuxh\n peteinw=n kai\ e(rpetw=n kai\ tetra/poda, e)n tw=| a)e/ri kai\ e)n th=| gh=| kai\ toi=s u(/dasi, th=| #2# to\n a)/nqrwpon. fai/netai ou)=n ta\s me\n prw/tas e(\c xilia/das pro\ th=s tou= a)nqrw/pou diapla/sews parelhluqe/nai: ta\s de\ loipa\s e(\c xilia/das diame/nein to\ ge/nos tw=n a)nqrw/pwn. w(s ei)=nai to\n pa/nta xro/non me/xri th=s suntelei/as xilia/das ib#.
[1] cf. tau 837; and see generally OCD(4) s.v. Etruscans.
[2] Presumably 'houses' in the astrological sense (LSJ s.v. I.5.).
[3] This Etruscan 'expert' cannot be identified, and this material (not commented on by Adler) is unparalleled elsewhere. All that is clear is that the chronology is based on Genesis 1, with the equation of one divine day to a thousand earth-years (cf. Psalm 83:11 LXX).
Keywords: chronology; definition; geography; historiography; mythology; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 November 2004@11:06:23.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented n.1; added a keyword; cosmetics) on 7 November 2004@04:46:40.
David Whitehead (expanded n.3; tweaks and cosmetics) on 2 May 2011@05:25:03.
David Whitehead on 16 January 2014@07:20:36.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@08:38:34.
David Whitehead (coding) on 29 May 2016@08:10:28.


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