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Headword: *spuri/dwn
Adler number: sigma,976
Translated headword: Spyridon
Vetting Status: high
[Genitive] *spuri/dwnos, proper name.[1]
Bishop of Trimethous, one of the cities on Cyprus.[2] Holding the episcopate with great modesty he herded his sheep also [as well as his people]. When thieves came at night to the sheepfold of his flock, they tried to remove some of his flock secretly; but [the thieves] were bound near the sheepfold by an invisible power. It was dawn, and [Spyridon] came to the sheep. As he saw [the thieves] bound and knew what had happened, he released the thieves, advising them urgently to take [their living] from just toils, certainly not from unjust [activities], and giving them a ram, he released them, cheerfully saying, "So that you may not seem to have kept awake all night in vain." And he did many other marvelous deeds. He was also present at the Council at Nicaea.[3]
Greek Original:
*spuri/dwn, *spuri/dwnos, o)/noma ku/rion. mia=s tw=n e)n *ku/prw| po/lewn *trimhqou=ntos e)pi/skopos: o(\s di' a)tufi/an pollh\n e)xo/menos th=s e)piskoph=s e)poi/maine kai\ ta\ pro/bata: kai\ me/shs nukto\s kle/ptai tai=s e)pau/lesi tw=n qremma/twn e)pelqo/ntes laqrai/ws a)fairei=sqai tw=n qremma/twn e)spou/dazon: oi( de\ a)ora/tw| duna/mei para\ tai=s e)pau/lesin e)de/dento. o)/rqros te h)=n, kai\ parh=ken e)pi\ ta\ poi/mnia. w(s de\ ei)=de sundedeme/nous kai\ e)/gnw to\ gegono/s, lu/ei tou\s kle/ptas, polla/ te paraine/sas e)k dikai/wn po/nwn mh\ mh\n e)c a)di/kwn lamba/nein, krio/n te au)toi=s xarisa/menos a)pe/luse, xarie/ntws e)pifqegca/menos: i(/na mh/, fhsi/, ma/thn h)grupnhko/tes fanh=te. kai\ a)/lla de\ pa/mpolla qau/mata ei)rga/sato: o(\s kai\ parh=n e)n th=| suno/dw| th=| e)n *nikai/a|.
The anecdote which furnishes the substantive part of this entry comes from Socrates, Ecclesiastical History 1.12 (web address 1).
[1] 'Proper name' lacking, Adler reports, in mss AFV.
[2] For this place see tau 990.
[3] The First Council of Nicaea, 325 CE.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 January 2005@17:08:59.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-ref; another keyword; cosmetics) on 7 January 2005@03:01:20.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 7 January 2005@05:07:04.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 3 October 2005@07:45:21.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords) on 31 December 2013@07:42:53.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 30 March 2022@11:10:20.


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