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Headword: *sku/qhs
Adler number: sigma,704
Translated headword: Scythian, Skythian
Vetting Status: high
The inhabitant of Rus'.[1]
And [there is] a proverb: "a Scythian [toying with] the donkey;"[2] in reference to those being prudish at the mention [of something] but in fact desiring [it]; for someone saw a dead donkey and said, "Look Scythian, dinner!" The other at first felt disgust, but in turn, having been curious about it, prepared[3] it for eating.[4]
Look also in [the entry] 'the Scythian [toying with] the horse.'[5] Anacharsis was a Scythian, but of a Greek mother; for this reason, he was also bilingual; [it was he] who gave laws to the Scythians.[6]
Greek Original:
*sku/qhs: o( *(rw=s. kai\ paroimi/a: *sku/qhs to\n o)/non: e)pi\ tw=n a)kkizome/nwn tw=| lo/gw|, e)/rgw| de\ e)fieme/nwn: i)dw\n ga/r tis nekro\n o)/non, e)/fh: dei=pno/n toi, w)= *sku/qa. o( de\ e)musa/cato me\n prw=ta, au)=qis de\ polupragmonh/sas peri\ au)to\n e)ponei=to. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| to\n i(/ppon o( *sku/qhs. o(/ti *)ana/xarsis *sku/qhs h)=n, mhtro\s de\ *(ellhni/dos: dio\ kai\ di/glwssos h)=n: o(\s e)/qhke no/mous *sku/qais.
[1] The entry locates Scythia in the land of the Rus'. See W. Treadgold "Three Byzantine Provinces and the First Byzantine Contacts with the Rus'," Harvard Ukrainian Studies 12/13 (1988/89): 132-44. On ancient Scythia, see D. Braund (ed.) (2005), Scythians and Greeks: Cultural Interactions in Scythia, Athens and the Early Roman Empire (sixth century BC - first century AD) . Exeter University Press.
[2] The verb is omitted here and in the entry's source (see n. 3 below). Hesychius sigma1152 has the reading *Sk. o)/neion dai=ta ("a dinner of donkey"). Alternatively, alpha 878 presents the proverb as a)kkizo/menos *Sku/qhs to\n o)/non "the Scythian flirted with/pretended to be disgusted at the donkey."
[3] The verb here could either be from pone/w (used in passive for meats, "to be dressed or cooked," LSJ pone/w B.II.2.b, but here in the middle voice in an active sense), or from o)ne/w = o)ni/nhmi ("to enjoy," LSJ o)ni/nhmi II.).
[4] Leutsch-Schneidewin, Corpus Paroemiographorum Graecorum (Hildesheim: G. Olms), 1961, appendix, p.452 no.74 (*Skuqh=s to\n o)/non). There is a slightly different version in Suda alpha 878 (n. 1 above), and see also next note.
[5] tau 764; see also omicron 695.
[6] From delta 854. See also alpha 2130.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; ethics; food; geography; law; proverbs; women; zoology
Translated by: Timothy Pepper on 25 April 2001@07:04:21.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 25 September 2002@07:10:05.
David Whitehead (tweaks; more keywords) on 21 May 2010@04:21:32.
Aikaterini Oikonomopoulou (Slightly improved the beginning of the translation. Added a bibliographical note.) on 24 May 2012@10:54:59.
Catharine Roth (tweaked betacode, deleted links) on 25 May 2012@12:44:45.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 30 December 2013@04:21:44.
David Whitehead (coding) on 26 May 2016@05:04:20.


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