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Search results for sigma,639 in Adler number:
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Headword: *sklhfro/s
Adler number: sigma,639
Translated headword: gaunt
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] one who is harsh and past his prime, one who is able to bear harsh things.[1]
Because the Acharnians were being lampooned as wild and harsh. Also look under 'Dracharnian.'[2]
Greek Original:
*sklhfro/s: o( sklhro\s kai\ parhbhkw/s, o( ta\ sklhra\ fe/rein duna/menos. o(/ti e)kwmw|dou=nto oi( *)axarnei=s w(s a)/grioi kai\ sklhroi/. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| draxarneu=.
[1] = Timaeus, Platonic Lexicon 1002a24, and Photius sigma349 Theodoridis. They are commenting on Plato, Euthydemus 271B, where the headword adjective occurs; cf. also Pollux 2.10. There was considerable disagreement on the meaning of this term among ancient commentators: contrast scholia to Plato loc. cit., scholia to Aeschines 1.49, and ps.-Theaetetus, Lexicon of Attic Words ("old in age but young in appearance"), Hesychius sigma1041 ("thin and slender" - hence LSJ), Photius sigma348 s.v. sklhfro/n ("withered and unseemly"). The present gloss seems to be etymologically oriented, basing its definition on the similarity between the headword and the adjective sklhro/s ('harsh') along with the verb fe/rw ('bear').
[2] This sentence, lacking (Adler reports) in mss AFV, has been deposited here from delta 1515 (the entry cited); the only connection with the present entry would seem to be that both contain forms of the adjective sklhro/s ('harsh').
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 26 February 2014@12:02:11.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweaked note, set status) on 26 February 2014@15:03:40.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 27 February 2014@03:44:47.


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