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Headword: *skafhfo/roi
Adler number: sigma,544
Translated headword: bowl-carriers
Vetting Status: high
Dinarchus in the [speech] Against Agesikles says: "instead of [being] bowl-carriers they will climb up onto the acropolis as ephebes, grateful for their citizenship not to you but to [this man and] his money".[1] For it was these men[2] who used to carry bowls at Athens.. At any rate Demetrius in [book] 3 of Lawgiving asserts that that the law used to instruct the metics themselves to carry bowls in the processions, and their daughters [to carry] pitchers and sunshades.
Greek Original:
*skafhfo/roi: *dei/narxos e)n tw=| kata\ *)aghsikle/ous fhsi/n: oi( a)nti\ skafhfo/rwn e)/fhboi ei)s th\n a)kro/polin a)nabh/sontai, ou)x u(mi=n e)/xontes xa/rin th=s politei/as, a)lla\ tw=| a)rguri/w|. ou(=toi ga\r e)skafhfo/roun *)aqh/nhsi. *dhmh/trios gou=n e)n g# *nomoqesi/as fhsi/n, o(/ti prose/tatten o( no/mos toi=s metoi/kois e)n tai=s pompai=s au)tou\s me\n ska/fas fe/rein, ta\s de\ qugate/ras au)tw=n u(drei=a kai\ skia/deia.
Harpokration s.v., clumsily abridged.
[1] Dinarchus fr. XVI.5. Conomis.
[2] Metics (mu 820), as Harpokration had explained.
[3] Demetrius of Phalerum FGrH 228 F5 (= 146 Wehrli).
D. Whitehead, The Ideology of the Athenian Metic (Cambridge 1977) 87-88
Keywords: children; constitution; definition; economics; ethics; historiography; law; politics; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 December 2000@06:40:19.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, status) on 17 December 2004@14:34:58.
David Whitehead (augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 19 December 2004@04:47:14.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 11 November 2005@06:20:52.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 1 January 2008@09:08:44.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 14 July 2011@07:04:35.


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