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Search results for rho,138 in Adler number:
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Headword: *(rhch/nores
Adler number: rho,138
Translated headword: breakers of [armed] men
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] courageous [men].[1]
"The tomb of Achilles breaker of men, which once the Achaeans built, a terror of [ = to] Trojans even in the future."[2]
Greek Original:
*(rhch/nores: a)ndrei=oi. tu/mbos *)axillh=os r(hch/noros, o(/n pot' *)axaioi\ dw/mhsan, *trw/wn dei=ma kai\ e)ssome/nwn.
[1] The headword is nominative plural of r(hch/nwr (an epithet of Achilles in Homer and Hesiod). Same or similar glossing in other lexica (references at Photius rho94 Theodoridis), and cf. also the scholia on the phrase met' *)axillh=a r(hch/nora in Homer, Iliad 7.228 and 16.146.
[2] Greek Anthology 7.142.1-2 (Antiphilus of Byzantium).
Keywords: architecture; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; military affairs; mythology; poetry
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 February 2010@01:03:48.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks) on 4 February 2010@03:04:18.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 24 August 2011@07:46:53.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 24 August 2011@14:45:36.
David Whitehead on 28 October 2013@06:58:53.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 8 January 2022@20:40:52.


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